More Betta Art To Share


Fish Addict
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
"Why Utah?!"
Yeah, I have nothing else to share here now that I have a new camera. It doesn't take photos of my fishies. :/ Just my art, so here's some more.





Very beautiful artwork :) What do you use? prisma color pencils? God I love those pencils! lol
Anywho.. they're all fantastic but I must say.. I like the 3rd pic the best, but I love the big ole eyes in on the 2 in the first one. Reminds me of puppies heh. :good:

this reminds me that I really need to finish my pic that I started a year ago rofl...
wow they are so amazing i want to go try paint my fish now :drool: :drool: :drool:

amazing beautifull well done!!! :good: :good: :good:
Those are absolutely fantastic. You've got a hell of a talent there :good: Well done
I really like number four, it has a similar feel to chinese brush paintings of fish
Those are really really good! Makes me want to take a crack at drawing my fish, though Im nothing close to an artist, it might but fun :good:
i love the ones without the circles of colour on,

they distract from the fish in my opinion.

but saying that i love them all. :lol:

Thats awesome, your very tallented keep it up!
FisheyAsh, go for it!

Netty & JellyPi3, thank you.

Million, I actually used a Japanese calligraphy brush for the background. ;3 BUt my watercolors really suck. D:

Jaded12, it is fun!

shaz3271 & kg4t, thanks.

guppy_man, the only plac ethey can peacefully coexsist...

hollyp0p, yeah, I think that's the best part of that one.
I say we all draw pics of our bettas *nodnod* lol
Might help me get out of the artistic rut I've been in :p

I'd love to see more artwork from everyone :D

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