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  1. Jen_S

    Worms On A Betta, Please Help!

    I bought a betta a few weeks ago. It's in my guupy tank with cherry shrimp, asst. snails, and 4 dwarf frogs. The betta was the last fish that I added. Tonight I realized that he has a patch of worms on his chest. They are in a circular cluster and are pinkish anywhere from 2mm- 7mm long. I'm...
  2. Jen_S

    Pretty Excited!

    double post, sorry! Silly computer!
  3. Jen_S

    Pretty Excited!

    Temp is 82 degrees F ammonia 0-.25 pH runs about 6.6-6.8 (I filter with peat moss) nitrites and nitrates are both in safe ranges Low alkilitnity but fairly hard It's been a few weeks since I've tested as this is my oldest tank and I have had no problems in this one. I change the water usually...
  4. Jen_S

    Pretty Excited!

    I was feeding the fish today and noticed that my pair of rams had dug out an impression in the back of the tank behind the plants. I have been a little busy the last couple of days but I have about 100 baby Bolivian rams in my community tank!! This is the first batch that the parents have had...
  5. Jen_S

    What Ratio Of Male And Female Guppies

    I would say either all males (unless you have room for the abundant fry) or no more than 2 males and 5 females. I have one male in my guppy tank and regularly remove other males that grow up into other tanks. I also feed some fry to other tanks to keep the numbers down.
  6. Jen_S

    14 Us Gal Biocube Suggestions

    Tiger barbs get too big and are aggresive, I don't have salt in my water so mollies wouldn't be happy, Gouramies like slow moving water and this tank has a pwerhead (very fast moving water), if I went with larger tetras, I would be able to have a large enough school of fish. I have the large...
  7. Jen_S

    14 Us Gal Biocube Suggestions

    Please, anyone have any suggestions???
  8. Jen_S

    14 Us Gal Biocube Suggestions

    Well my plan to make my Biocube a puffer tank has fallen through. I lost my dwarf puffer on Friday. I found him when I cleaned on Sat. I had tons of plants in there and he didn't comeout when I fed on Fri. I did water changes Sat and tested the water on Sun. I decided to move my blue ram into...
  9. Jen_S

    Completely Re-did My 10g, Now For Some More Fish!

    I keep my guppies with african dwarf frogs and cherry shrimp :) All are quite happy. Good luck.
  10. Jen_S

    Tank In An Open Area

    I don't know much about the marineland canister filters but I would have to say that I love my Fluval. I bought it 9 or 10 years ago, used it for a couple of years then stored it for 8 years and it still workes great :) It's versitle too. i would love to see a picture of where you have your tank...
  11. Jen_S

    How Do You Feed Your Fish?

    I handfeed the newts, goldfish, dojo loaches and dwarf puffer and drop in for everyone else. Some of the guppies will eat out of my hand but the community tank will not (too shy it seems).
  12. Jen_S


    I would have to say that I have more than one type of centerpiece fish that all blend together nicely. The 2 angel fish for size and beauty THe rams for color and beauty. THe schools of tetras (red serpae and diamonds) also add a lot in my opinion and the tank would be boring without them.
  13. Jen_S

    Need A Couple Of Plant Identifications

    Thanks, My guess is that it is the narrow leaf variety (there were two on the site) Like this. I looked at the other hygrophila plants on tropica's site and none of them really struck me as being the one that was sold as the giant hygros (they...
  14. Jen_S

    Need A Couple Of Plant Identifications

    I bought 2 plants at the lfs this last weekend. One was id'ed as a temple plant and the other was a giant hygros or hydros (can't remember which) This is the temple plant with reddish stems and green leaves. I've never seen it before...
  15. Jen_S

    How Far Has Your Tank Come?

    This is my 46 gal bowfront in June of 2007 before I joined the forum: This is my 46 gal bowfront tank September 2007:
  16. Jen_S

    Bolivian Rams Questions! This is a picture of my pair of rams. The male is on the left, the female on the right. The most noticable difference is hard to catch on camera but the male has extensions on his dorsal fin and tail. The female doesn't.
  17. Jen_S

    63 Gallon Tank

    I love my angels, tetras, and rams. It is a lot of fun to watch the different species interact. I've never been fond of african cichlid tanks (but that's just me :) ) The African Cichlids are far more colorful, to me the biggest drawback is not only that the fish are more expensive but once your...
  18. Jen_S

    Another Compatibilty Question...

    Here is a picture of my rams :) Thank's for the advice guys! I may get a pair later today or later this week :) I'm going to ask the lfs if I can take the flying fox back (I had no idea they got so big and are not very nice) and my 3 baby mollies are going to their new home tomorrow. I think I...
  19. Jen_S

    Sick Newt

    I'm d to hear that Zac is doing better :) Newts are definately coldwater creatures. They would do better being house with coldwater fish. White Cloud minnows would be good but you might have a few go missing. Mine are housed with fancy goldfish, dojo loaches, and apple snails. Best wishes!
  20. Jen_S

    Got A New Camera!

    They are very easy to keep :) Coldwater setup, I feed frozen food daily (limited on what I can find here so bloodworms, some brine shrimp) I also have baby guppies. I have no idea what the availability is in Ireland but they have been much tougher to find (for me) than they were 8 years ago. I...
  21. Jen_S

    New Guppies

    I have major issues keeping male guppies alive from the petstore. I did just find male lyretail guppies at Petsmart and went ahead and got a couple boys. The reason I did this was because their coloring is very similar to wild guppy type and I'm hoping that they might be a little hardier.Male...
  22. Jen_S

    What Fish Is This?

    Just letting you know what recommendations are :) Not going to yell at you :) If you have a breeding pair of convicts, I wouldn't recommend keeping them together because breeding pairs are more aggressive than single convicts. You may luck out as the Danio should for the most part stay the the...
  23. Jen_S

    Got A New Camera!

    Here's a better shot of the puffer :) Puffer
  24. Jen_S

    Got A New Camera!

    Ignore this one, sorry :)
  25. Jen_S

    Got A New Camera!

    From what I've read, they are shy and really do pay attention to the world outside the tank (and cameras do look weird to them I'm sure LOL). I was impressed that I got the couple that I did because he was all the way at the back of the tank under the root like ornament and I couldn't focus...
  26. Jen_S

    What Fish Is This?

    Oh, if it's a Giant danio, It's a schooling fish that would be happiest with at least 6 and a huge tank ( I would say 55gal US + (mainly because there would be so many).
  27. Jen_S

    What Fish Is This?

    LOL Yup, that would certainly do it :) Do feel that you ID question is answered?
  28. Jen_S

    What Fish Is This?

    It still looks like a Giant Danio to me. I'm posting another picture link because Giant danios are very metallic and can look different depending on the lighting :) Different Danio picture This fish are Super fast top dwelling swimmers.
  29. Jen_S

    What Fish Is This?

    Looks like a Giant Danio to me :) Danio picture
  30. Jen_S

    Got A New Camera!

    LOL That was just last night and this morning too. I will thin them out though too as I get better shots of say, the dwarf puffer (he's tough cause he's shuttershy) The camera was actually on clearance at Walmart :) Still a pretty penny but about half of waht I was looking at price wise!
  31. Jen_S

    Got A New Camera!

    LOL 34 views and only one person liked them LOL I must being doing worse than I thought ;)
  32. Jen_S

    Got A New Camera!

    I talked my husband into getting me a camera with a macro setting :drool: I've gone a bit nuts as far as how many pictures but I hope you enjoy, they are from all 4 fishtanks :) Pictures (please click)
  33. Jen_S

    Another Compatibilty Question...

    Thanks for the clarification DiscusLova. If Blue rams wouldn't have worked, I would have left things as they are as everyone seems happy and live I said the Bolivian rams have already paired off.
  34. Jen_S

    Another Compatibilty Question...

    By ground work, Im assuming you mean a lot of ground cover (i.e. plants). If so, the answer is yes. Lots of plants in the tank.
  35. Jen_S

    6 Gal Tank, Am I Stuck Stocking With Minatures?

    I would recommend the dwarf puffer and a few otos maybe. Dwarf puffers are personality plus! Mine takes food from my fingers :)
  36. Jen_S

    Lighting Options?

    I believe it's a T8 (1 inch in diameter). I was looking at and the MANY different options did nothing but confuse me LOL. I did go to the lps and bought a Flora-Sun bulb. It's 30 watts and 5000K (the most powerful one they had). Will this be ok? The water is also tinted by...
  37. Jen_S

    Another Compatibilty Question...

    The shrimp are pretty big, they also stay at the back at the tip of the driftwood. I'm unclear as to what you meant about more than one female, though maybe I wasn't clear in my question. I currently have the Bolivian rams (exhibiting some spawning behaviour and guarding their rock). There are...
  38. Jen_S

    Another Compatibilty Question...

    Scenario: 46 gal bow front tank 2 angels (still juvenile) not sure if m/f 1 m/f pair of Bolivian rams Would they be compatible with a pair or trio (not sure which is best) of blue rams? I have tetras (red serpae and diamond), cory cats, farlowella, otos, 2 bamboo shrimp. I have 3 2 inch flying...
  39. Jen_S

    I'm So Happy With My First Attempt

    Thanks :) I'm pleased with the results. I bought a plant light today instead of using the stock one. It's a 30 watt Flora-Sun bulb. I am now realizing that I am at a disadvantage. The tank came with the hood and it has only one light socket so I'm not even running at 1 watt per gallon. I'm also...
  40. Jen_S

    Lighting Options?

    If I only have room for one light, which would be the best option? My hood came with the tank and only has one light socket with a mirrored space beside it. It's a plastic hood and not glass. I'm not ready to invest big bucks either. That may come next year after I get a co2 system figured out...