14 Us Gal Biocube Suggestions


Fish Fanatic
Aug 12, 2007
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Well my plan to make my Biocube a puffer tank has fallen through. I lost my dwarf puffer on Friday. I found him when I cleaned on Sat. I had tons of plants in there and he didn't comeout when I fed on Fri. I did water changes Sat and tested the water on Sun. I decided to move my blue ram into this tank because the angels and pair of Bollivian rams were doing a lot of chasing. The lfs no longer has dwarf puffers too.
The blue ram seems happy in the tank. What I am looking for are suggestions for companion fish. I may purchase a second blue ram but I am undecided as the lfs only has very small rams. If they grow out in the tank, I may be able to sex everyone and then get a m/f pair succesfully. I currently have 4 young guppies and 4 otos in the tank. The guppies can be moved to another tank but the otos are needed because the lights grow algae
I think I would like a school of some kind but the fish need to stay small (I was thinking possibly harliquin rasboras as I can get those at the lfs) as the tank is small. I can skip fish like corycats but are there any other bottom feeders that stay small and would get eaten. I think most shrimps might get eaten by the rams. Also smails aren't a good option as I had a gold snail in there and it kept climbing into the built in filter.
I am open to suggestions but am really looking for easy to find fish
tiger barbs, mollies, gorumies and maybe larger tetras
Tiger barbs get too big and are aggresive, I don't have salt in my water so mollies wouldn't be happy, Gouramies like slow moving water and this tank has a pwerhead (very fast moving water), if I went with larger tetras, I would be able to have a large enough school of fish. I have the large tetras (red serpae and diamonds) in the 46 gal tank with the angels.
I went to the lfs on the way home this evening and got 4 glolight tetras (my son shose between those and harliquin rasboras).
Thanks for the help anyways grimmy :)
tiger barbs, mollies, gorumies and maybe larger tetras
that spam
Tiger barbs get too big and are aggresive, I don't have salt in my water so mollies wouldn't be happy, Gouramies like slow moving water and this tank has a pwerhead (very fast moving water), if I went with larger tetras, I would be able to have a large enough school of fish. I have the large tetras (red serpae and diamonds) in the 46 gal tank with the angels.I went to the lfs on the way home this evening and got 4 glolight tetras (my son shose between those and harliquin rasboras).Thanks for the help anyways grimmy :)
no problem i tryed
please tell me why that is spam and how none of your posts are. You gave fish that i wouldnt recommend, so i highlighted them and shook my head. if i went jofaseheaddeda and nothing else then that would be spam....
So am I correct... the tank already has a blue ram, 4 guppies, and 4 otos? Sounds well stocked already. Also, in my experience, guppies eat algae farily well. Of course, that doesn't mean the tank won't need some hand scrubbing/cleaning.

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