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  1. M

    Aggresive Rainbow Cichlid?

    He was attacking all 3 but he seems to have calmed down now. Will keep monitoring, thanks
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    Aggresive Rainbow Cichlid?

    Hi, I have a newly set up tank (1 week ago). The tank is a large 330ltr corner tank. On setting up my tank I added some mature media to the filter and 4 rainbow cichlids. I have been testing the water daily, no traces of ammonia or nitrite so today I have added a britlenose plec. The Rainbows...
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    Blue Lobster In My Mbuna Tank?

    Not that bothered about a crab, I thought the blue lobster looked really nice in the mbuna tank on youtube but i'm not going to risk it. I like my fish to be as happy as possible and I don't think that sticking a lobster in with them would do that. Thanks for the opinions though.
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    Blue Lobster In My Mbuna Tank?

    I would like any opinions of whether this would be a good idea. I want one but i'm constantly being told they will each the fish. Just seen a video on youtube of an mbuna tank with several fish living in harmony with the lobster. I'm confused!
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    How To Stick My New Background?

    I have bought a new background for my new tank, it is made of foamboard and i'm wondering what is the best way to stick it to the back of my tank. I need some kind of double sided tape or glue but something that wont mark the tank? I would be really gratefull of any ideas, thanks Mark
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    New To Cichlids, Please Help!

    Hi, I am thinking about setting up my new tank with a view to keeping Malawi Cichlids. I have read the type of tank set up that I require but apart from that I am unsure about anything else that is different to keeping community fish. I am aware they require alkaline water and the fish are...
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    New To Cichlids, Please Help!

    Hi, I am thinking about setting up my new tank with a view to keeping Malawi Cichlids. I have read the type of tank set up that I require but apart from that I am unsure about anything else that is different to keeping community fish. I am aware they require alkaline water and the fish are...
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    Anyone Had Any Dealings With This German Shop

    My tank is a 300l corner aquarium. It just seems a loss less hassle and not much more expensive to buy a ready system than have to shop around for the different peices. This is only less than £100 for the whole setup. Would cost double that to buy in this country. As for the coca cola bottle...
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    Anyone Had Any Dealings With This German Shop

    Hi, setting up my 1st planted aquarium from scratch and I'm buyng more things week by week for it. The last thing I need to buy is a Co2 system, I am thinking about buying one from Germany as it works out a lot cheaper. The system I have been looking at is this one -...
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    Filter With Built In Heater Question!

    Just purchased the Eheim 2026 for less than £100 which I think is good from - My local fish Store charges £125 and there normally reasonably priced so I'm happy.
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    Filter With Built In Heater Question!

    Thanks Rabbut. Think i'm going to take your advice. I had my doubts about the reliability of the heater inside the filter and I like the sound of the hydor.
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    Filter With Built In Heater Question!

    Hi. I have just purchased a new 310L corner aquarium and need to buy a new external filter. I have been looking at the Eheim 2126 thermo. The cheapest I can find on the internet is £139.99 but I like the idea of not aving a heater in my tank. My only concern is that it states that the heater has...
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    Filter With Built In Heater Question!

    Hi. I have just purchased a new 310L corner aquarium and need to buy a new external filter. I have been looking at the Eheim 2126 thermo. The cheapest I can find on the internet is £139.99 but I like the idea of not having to have a heater in my tank. My only concern is that it states that its...
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    Corner Aquariums

    Hi everyone. As anybody on here got a corner aquarium? I'm thinking of changing to one to make more space and wondered if there are any disadvantages of having one. many thanks, Mark
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    Decorative Stones & Pebbles

    Hi, I have picked up some pebbles and stones from a nearby river and I think that will look great in my tank. I just wondered if I need to take any precautions before I put them in.
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    New Tank

    Hi, Did you clean the sand before you put it in the tank? If not then you must remove the sand and clean it in a bucket first.
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    Aquarium Backgrounds - Please Help

    Hi, I have a 48" x 15" x 12" aquarium. I have had it set up now for over a year and the only thing that bothers me is finding a suitable background. I have tried numerous different backgrounds to stick onto the back of the tank and I always seem to get patches forming all over them from the...
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    Algae Hair

    I have got quite a bit of algae hair growing in my tank. Most of it is actually growing on the inside of the glass and from my live plants. I would love to know why I am getting it and how to stop it. I know there are chemicals to stop it but I want to stop it without using them if possible.
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    Lost A Danio Last Week...

    This is a very interesting thread. For about 4 months now I thought I was the only person to have had a bronze cory just completely vanish overnight.
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    Cycle Problems

    Not sure about the ammonia reading but I remember it taking a long time for the nitrite readings to come down.
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    I Think I'am Doing Something Wrong [help Please]

    I'm sorry to have to tell you that your fish won't be swimming around happy for much longer. Take them back and cycle your tank. I have had my fish now for 5 months and no deaths. You must cycle the tank to avoid deaths
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    You should never want 4" of gravel. Its just a waste of swimming space, 2" is plenty for any tank.
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    Newbie Here ---- Water Problems

    Hi, Don't worry about the cloudiness. I presume you are cycling your tank using ammonia and your filter is running.
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    Brown Algae

    otoclincus fish are very good brown algae eaters.
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    Help With Sand Cleaning

    Hi, I've just had the same problem. Youre gravel cleaner isn't big enough. I think you will find that if you buy the next size up then it will suck up the debris. This worked for me. Mark
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    I got mine from HOMEBASE. Its the only place i've ever seen it.
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    Water Changing Question

    When I do a 20% water change I use a large container which I nearly fill with cold water from the tap and top it up with boiling water from the kettle until it feels the same temperature as the water in the tank. Works fine for me every time.
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    Help! Brown Algae Alert

    Hi, My tank has been up and running now for two weeks and everything has been fine. I did a water change last sunday, I have 2 angels, 2 blue gourami and 6 bronze corys. I also have 7 real plants. Yesterday when I got home from work I noticed a substantial amount of brown algae on the front of...
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    Which Fish?

    Yes, I did a fishless cycle. Everythings fine. Just don't know which fish to get next.
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    Which Fish?

    I have had my 190L tank up and running now for a fortnight and everything appears to be fine. I have 2 blue gourami, 2 gold angels and 6 bronze corys. I have space for a few more fish but i'm unsure what to get. I would like 2 dwarf gourami but i'm not sure if they would get on with the blue...
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    Tank Cycled

    After 4-5 weeks, my new tank is finally cycled. I have done the final water change and bought 10 real plants. I'm hoping to buy my 1st fish tomorrow but one thing is bothering me. I added ammonia this morning at 5 o clock and did a test at 5 o clock tea time, the levels were 0.0 and nitrite 0.0...
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    Cleaning Sand?

    Or go through the top of the sand with a course net. This is easier
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    The Final Water Change

    Sorry, I meant ammonia and nitrites. 80-90% water change is the answer I was looking for. Thanks
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    The Final Water Change

    Because the nitrates will be sky high. I am right in thinking that you have to do a water change between completing the cycle and adding fish aren't I?
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    The Final Water Change

    When I have cycling my tank and I have ammonia and nitrates tests of 0. What percentage of the water should I change before adding fish. Another question I have is would it be ok to take my filter out and fill the tank with water from the hose and then de chlorinate it in the tank before...
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    Adding Ammonia....

    I bought my ammonia from homebase last week. It was £1.99 for a large bottle. My reading has gone down to 1.0 tonight so I will be adding some more to my tank tonight.
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    Which Fish?

    Looks like i'm going to have to forget the barbs for now. I do like them but I also like the pear gourami and angels. Thanks for the advice. Mark
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    Which Fish?

    The size of my tank is 48" x 17" x 15". I'm thinking of having tiger barbs as I do like them and i'll have to give the guppies a miss. Here is what i'm thinking of having. Any advice or suggestions would be gratefully appreciated. 5 Tiger barbs 1 pair of pearl gourami 4 small angels 5 cardinal...
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    Which Fish?

    Hi, I am currently in the process of cycling my first tank and I am starting to think about which fish I am going to have in my tank. I have been reading many books from library but they seem to contradict each other. I would love to have Tiger barbs, angels and guppies in my tank. One of the...