Which Fish?


New Member
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
Alfreton, Derbyshire
I have had my 190L tank up and running now for a fortnight and everything appears to be fine. I have 2 blue gourami, 2 gold angels and 6 bronze corys. I have space for a few more fish but i'm unsure what to get. I would like 2 dwarf gourami but i'm not sure if they would get on with the blue gourami. I can't have any fin nippers and can't have any fish which are too small (they will be eaten)

Any suggestions?
yuo could add some dwarfs. each fish has its own temperment. but blue gouramies tend to be just fine. not too agressive fish. just make sure you have plenty of hiding spots and dnse planting and you shouldnt have any worries. also you might want to make sure that there is a scape goat just incase it doesnt work out.
but i would say you problebly be fine with the 2.
good luck
I have a Dwarf Gourami. I was told not to get two as they may not get along. My Dwarf Gourami (Alistair) is a really graceful, peaceful fish, and good looking fish. Good luck.
Have you cycled yor tank yet?
If not, please read the cycle thread up at the top of the "New to the hobby" page

This dumb racist is wrong...

Tamara I mean :D

You actually cycle your filter not your tank

whats wrong with you...... You actually should do a fishless cycle but oops, you think its too expensive. I hope you get banned from all these insults and these grudges you are giving other members.

TO the OP:

hmm a big waste producer but i like bristlenose plecostomus. Maybe look into those

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