Adding Ammonia....


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2007
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My tank has been cycling for two weeks now, but i have booked a holiday for end of july (Another three weeks away) So i dont see a point of buying any fish yet,as i will leaving them. You think my cycle will be ok for a total of six weeks? Think i should add some ammonia before i go on holiday?
The bacteria that's built up will die without ammonia being added to the tank, try and get someone to come in and add ammonia while you're gone?
How long will you be gone? You could get someone to add ammonia for you or you could hang a sack or filter pack of fish food in the tank to break down and create ammonia. The longer you will be gone, the more likely you will need someone to add ammonia for you. The bacteria will only last a few days before they die off.
Only a week!

So will i always have to be adding a ammonia while ive got a tank? Or will it produce itself ?
Once the tank is cycled and you add fish, the fish will be the ammonia source. That is the purpose of cycling the tank: to develop the bacteria to process fish waste from ammonia to nitrite and to nitrate.
I bought my ammonia from homebase last week. It was £1.99 for a large bottle. My reading has gone down to 1.0 tonight so I will be adding some more to my tank tonight.
Whenever the ammonia drops below zero ppm, bring it up to 6.
How were you cycling it before?
Well it depends what the concentration of your ammonia is, just add a bit to the tank and then test. You could also just try a bit in a bucket and then workout how much you'd need for the whole tank.
How were you cycling it before?
Well ive just been building it up the last two weeks with added bogwood,plants etc etc! I havent done any tests yet,because my API Test kit hasnt arrived yet.
Hang on, is your tank cycled? (ie:is there enough bacteria in the filter to cope with fish?).

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