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    What On Earth Is This?

    Looks like a small leach to me
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    Shelf Life Of Dechlorinator

    i measure my pond declorinator out with a syringe no hasle then once worked out piece of cake, 1.2 ml per 22 gallon change mixed in my ext tub pre heated , just make sure its for metals as well as chloramines and such some only do chloramines nearly made that mistake myself
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    Shelf Life Of Dechlorinator

    Why pay out for the expesive stuff just gett pond declorinator i do got 1 lita bottle good for 15000 gallons does no harm to me fish, and i keep Discus, all i do is adjust the amount needed
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    Is 250 L/h Good?

    What size tank is it for and what do you propose to put in it ??
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    Discus Ate One Of My Biggest Cardinals

    No no joke just looks like the discus has got the ump cos i removed its femail partner the day b4 becos she had ich still so she in hospitol tank on other side of room he is going loopy swimming from one end to the other continuesly when the hospitol tank light is on and he can see her pretty...
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    I would still treat at leats 7 days after the last spots have gone, as the life cycle of the ich does not end with the cycst falling off its just the beginning.
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    Discus Ate One Of My Biggest Cardinals

    Wow, i have an 8inch discu in tank, this morning he just flameing ate one of my 1.5 inch cards maybe bit bigger than that ,they have been together from the start for last 3 months, 4 discus 5 cards in 4 foot tank planted. been ok eating well on bloodworm, just this morning the card swam past...
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    Whitespot! Couple Of Questions...

    As you may have read my problems under this link i have tried interpret and it was no good in my 55 gallon tank so went to king british and had to do a double dosage for anything to show it was working, make sure you take out the carbon from filter raise temps as much as the type of fish you...
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    White Spot Taking Over Discu Fish

    Oh dont be fooled me not fooled like that me is treating anoth ten days after all spots have gone from fish and temps staying as is untill futher ten days it has been a nightmare so far i will always treat a double dose now as what is on the packs dose had nealy cost me all my other fish, after...
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    White Spot Taking Over Discu Fish

    Well folks, i have actually added double dosage of king british ws3 to tank as first ordinery dose did nothing still looked worse, any ways over night i noticed that half of the affected arear was clear that was over night what a differance temp raised to 32 deg possibly helped it was already...
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    White Spot Taking Over Discu Fish

    photos will do no good it is whitespot and it is all over her no good moveing her now cos others will have it even in earlie stage so all need treatment that will work, have to try other type of med i suppose which one ?? any ones guess
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    White Spot Taking Over Discu Fish

    Hi people, im in the UK Here are my stats. 4foot tank 3 discu 5 cardinals 1 nugget amonia=0 nitrite=0 nitrates=20-30 heavily planted tank airiation temps at 30c uv turned off for medication and no carbon tank is not in the sun at anytime, i have 2 39w t5 lights on for 10 hours per day now it...
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    How Often Do Shrimp Have Young

    Types i am interested in are tiger and cherry shrimps mainly
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    Ich - Treating 2 Weeks, Still Here And 20 Fish Dead

    You may think this is a silly remark but have you taken any carbon out of the filter b4 you started treating the tank with meds. ?
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    How Often Do Shrimp Have Young

    How often do shrimp spawn, are there any food types you have to supply for the young to survive?? This is any shrimp species.
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    Carbon Removed Then Reintroduced.

    Hi peeps, can some one tell me for sure, carbon removed then reintroduced is this safe only had started meds in 55 gal so took carbon bags out of filter kept them in glass jar in tank water for 3 weeks would it be ok to reintroduce them again strait into filter basket or will i have to buy...
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    Discu Laying Eggs.

    Breeding pair male 8 inch female 7 inch. may i ask why
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    Discu Laying Eggs.

    Wow only had my discus 11 days in new tank and they have been layer eggs wicked to watch, never thought they would do it after i had put meds in for flukes but they have and they have been fertilised now when anything comes near it gets a nip fantastic to watch.. ok calmed down now waiting...
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    Discus Furious Fighting Of Two Mails

    I have 4 discus in my 4foot tank one pair and 2 mails the 2 mails are 4 inches in size each, they have started to fight so badly in the last few days that i am now getting worried, the main pair seem to intervene qiut often and stop the 2 smaller ones, but they are ltterally trying to pull...
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    Are U Really Satisfied With Ur Tank

    I was happy with the tank untill my flamin fish went in there and pulled all the bloody plants to bits, it it looks like world war 2 battle field, still save me playing too much medal of honour wont it.
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    Discu Looks Like Its Sticking A Tonque Out.

    Hahahahaha seems funny but i have not seen this b4 some times 2 of my discus at differant times i might add, look like they are opening there mouths wide and it looks like it shows a lot of the inside of the mouth looks like they are trying to put the inside of the lip outside so to speak...
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    8inch Discus Has Cut Head

    I have catterpa leaves in there so they may help a little, stupid thing is he went and done it again same place on head only dog made him jump by barking at him when he came to the glass front bloody dogs have tput a muzzel on im
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    8inch Discus Has Cut Head

    Wow, my 8 inch discus somehow got spooked and jump up and hit the top of the tank lid it has cut its head right across, all blue colour gone just flesh showing 1/4 inch wide anything i can do to help it heal or just leave and hope. seems ok at the mo but it only just happened today
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    When To Turn On/off Light.

    Have you a planted tank if so you may need to take into account the light the plants need to grow so i would say around 8 hours per day would be good in this case if no plants then as per your prefferance
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    My First Water Test, How Did I Do?

    Test strips can be very variable in there results, if i were you i would invest in an API master kit which has liquid tests you can use which i find very accurate if you follow the instructions, i have run both and found the api to be the best type to use, and i keep discu so i need to have...
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    How To Work Out Electricity Costs Of Tank Eqiupment

    I have a 55 gal tank but want to work out the yealy costings of electricity do any peeps here know the easiest way of doing this. Also i have a fluvill 305 filter on my tank but still have bits floating around that dont seem to gettaken away by the filter, it is running at full pelt plus has...
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    Ph Down 6.5 Or Ph7

    Now do you guys an gals think that be good enough for discus say or other cyclids
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    Ph Down 6.5 Or Ph7

    Ok, but is there a cheaper way of treating tap water for clorine and cloramine other than buying in Aquasafe treatments at extortanate prices for just a 500 ml bottle when your tank is large it get costly, i know about ro units but where i live and house situation at the mo it is not feasable...
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    Ph Down 6.5 Or Ph7

    Has anyone used the product PH Down 6.5 or ph7 produced by API and other companies, only need to lower my ph by some and wondered what other peeps thought of this type of product. is it stable enough and more importantly does it work without endangering our prised fish. I have a ph of 7.5 at...
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    Penang Discus

    Well got no pics yet but will post soon, prices were 8 inch leopard snakeskin was 50 red alenque which is paired with top one was 50 she is 7 inch Red melon was 20 he is 4 in 4 inch snakeskin was 20 now ime looking for a lemon coloured one, only seen one of them as yet but too slow to...
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    Penang Discus

    Penang Discus, I have just got 4 an orange gold 4 inch an 5 inch leopard snakskin, also got 2 that are paired which are a 8 inch leapo ard snakskin and a 7 inch red alenque, thrilled to bits so far with them :rolleyes: got them home and with in an hour they are eating flake, can any one...
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    Fluvil 305 Filter

    In your peoples opinions how often should a filter medium be changed. running a in a tropical tank should it be every two weeks, 3 or maybe 4 weeks, getting a tank ready for discus. and also are there any specifics in the mediums used in filter for a discus tank. I know i may be asking some...
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    Nitrates In New Setup Tank Jumping

    Hi peeps. I know some of you out there know the answer to this. Set up a new tank 7 days ago 4 foot long has lots of plants fluvill 305 filter fine gravel and plant food substrate under the gravel tested my nitrates yesterday it said 5, done a test today it showed 20 maybe 40 on card hard...
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    New To Discu Keeping

    I have been impressed with the replys i have been getting on this forum, thanks so far with your help, im'e sure i will succeed with the project as i am carefull and do a lot of research before i do anything like this, and with the help you peeps are dishing out i am sure i will be posting...
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    Brand New Tank And Keeper

    Thanks for your imput here people i am taking notes, all helpfull Thankyou
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    New To Discu Keeping

    Hi I am very new to keeping fish, just got an fluvil vicenza 260 tank 54 gallons, has eighty wats of lighting T5, also fluval 305 filter, 300 wat heater, uv light 24 wats, I intend keeping Discus * 6 plus couple of other bottom dwellers other wise only other things in tank will be plants. My...
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    Brand New Tank And Keeper

    Hi I am very new to keeping fish, just got an fluvil vicenza 260 tank 54 gallons, has eighty wats of lighting T5, also fluval 305 filter, 300 wat heater, uv light 24 wats, I intend keeping Discus * 6 plus couple of other bottom dwellers other wise only other things in tank will be plants. My...