White Spot Taking Over Discu Fish


New Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Hertfordshire, UK
Hi people, im in the UK
Here are my stats.
4foot tank
3 discu 5 cardinals 1 nugget
heavily planted tank
temps at 30c
uv turned off for medication and no carbon
tank is not in the sun at anytime, i have 2 39w t5 lights on for 10 hours per day

now it is my fault, did think it was flake at first that kept on sticking to femails body but after a week i noticed it was ich. it has been 8 days now since first started treatment
Treating with interpret 6 whitespot plus
now my tank holds 248 litas of water first treatment put in 25mils, as it said 10 mills per 100 litas
no change after 4 day treatment in fact worse
so water change then added double dose 50 mills
8 days worse all over her body now, she is a lovley red alenque 7inch discus very tame she eats well still and laying eggs every 7 days.

the white spots do get larger before they start to drop off no other fish seem to have them as yet, has any one got any advice on getting this ruddy bug erradicated from this fish as i think now it has taken all her body over it wont take to long to drag her down and kill her, at the moment she is not breathing heavy swims fine and is fist out for food as usual
I have never had any luck with Interpet and now will only use Waterlife Protozin. Do you have any photos of the fish?
if you can get her into a hospital tank it will minimise the spread of the disease (although it's probably been passed on already so i'd still advise treating the main tank) and means you could try stronger meds on her and just do the normal dose on the main tank.

we've used king british ws3 sucessfully with ich before
As Ms Wiggle said, when moving here, the parasite will already be present in your tank so it will need to be treated. Can you think of anything else that may be compounding the situation like stress etc?
interpet no6 is a good treatment however king british ws3 if better.
personally I use FMG by NTLabs at a dose of 5ml per foot of tank for 5 consecutive days
in conjunction with raising the temp to 30c.

Sera have brought out a product that claims to be the only ich treatment that actully attacks and kills the cyst
before it falls off the fish.
I used it when working in a LFS and got mixed results so I'm not convinced about its effectivness but thought it worth mentioning
photos will do no good it is whitespot and it is all over her no good moveing her now cos others will have it even in earlie stage so all need treatment that will work, have to try other type of med i suppose which one ?? any ones guess
Sorry to hear about your problems; all I can say is that Waterlife's 'Protozin' has been 100% successful whenever I've needed to use it - just follow the instructions to the letter. It won't harm your filter media, either.
all I can say is that Waterlife's 'Protozin' has been 100% successful whenever I've needed to use it

I ran simulated trials over 3 different ick treatments ensuring conditions remained the same, only one that worked effectivly was Protozin...
Don't forget to raise the temperature. That will quicken the cycle. I have had the best luck with medications that contain Malachite green. Don T.
Don't forget to raise the temperature. That will quicken the cycle. I have had the best luck with medications that contain Malachite green. Don T.

Well folks, i have actually added double dosage of king british ws3 to tank as first ordinery dose did nothing still looked worse, any ways over night i noticed that half of the affected arear was clear that was over night what a differance temp raised to 32 deg possibly helped it was already at 30 usually it is kept at 28 - 29 anyways. not done any harm to cards at all, it looks to me that double dosing this med for whitespot worked for me this time no problems apprent from it.
And all through this the affected femail discu was still laying eggs and eating very well no hard breathing , consitution of an elephant i think :rolleyes:
Despite the spot leaving do not be fooled its over, the spots will end up as a crust on the substrate and will multiply by approx 2000 x. The tomites then become free swimming looking for a host, they find one and guess what - they end up as a white spot

Carry on the treatment for at least 16days after the the last spot has left to be sure you have removed the problem

Despite the spot leaving do not be fooled its over, the spots will end up as a crust on the substrate and will multiply by approx 2000 x. The tomites then become free swimming looking for a host, they find one and guess what - they end up as a white spot

Carry on the treatment for at least 16days after the the last spot has left to be sure you have removed the problem


Oh dont be fooled me not fooled like that me is treating anoth ten days after all spots have gone from fish and temps staying as is untill futher ten days it has been a nightmare so far i will always treat a double dose now as what is on the packs dose had nealy cost me all my other fish, after double doseing this king british stuff MAGIC

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