Ph Down 6.5 Or Ph7


New Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Hertfordshire, UK
Has anyone used the product PH Down 6.5 or ph7 produced by API and other companies, only need to lower my ph by some and wondered what other peeps thought of this type of product. is it stable enough and more importantly does it work without endangering our prised fish. I have a ph of 7.5 at the mo so would like to lower this by some. Any views on this would be appreciated
what do you plan on keeping?

As its been my experience that trying to toy with the ph in this way is very difficult as at water changes the ph can fluctuate causing shock in the fish...
most fish can learn to live with a slightly higher or lower ph than they suposedly need
the only other way i would suggest you do it that may well result in a lower ph is for you to get a R.O unit and mix the R.O with tap water at water changes to achieve the desired PH
the only other way i would suggest you do it that may well result in a lower ph is for you to get a R.O unit and mix the R.O with tap water at water changes to achieve the desired PH

Ok, but is there a cheaper way of treating tap water for clorine and cloramine other than buying in Aquasafe treatments at extortanate prices for just a 500 ml bottle when your tank is large it get costly, i know about ro units but where i live and house situation at the mo it is not feasable to place one here at the moment, that will come in time, just trying to find the cheapest way of treating the tap water untill i can get things soughted here, and i saw ph down as being cheaper to by and it has the added addition of treating water for chloramines as well as Ph
pond dechlor...

a 500ml bottile will treat thousands of gallons.....
its exactly the same chems just in a much more concentrated form....
theyd prefer that to the ph fluctuations caused by the ph down.
its exactly the same chems just in a much more concentrated form....
theyd prefer that to the ph fluctuations caused by the ph down.
I didn't know that, that could help me a lot... financially. :good:

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