8inch Discus Has Cut Head


New Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Hertfordshire, UK
Wow, my 8 inch discus somehow got spooked and jump up and hit the top of the tank lid it has cut its head right across, all blue colour gone just flesh showing 1/4 inch wide anything i can do to help it heal or just leave and hope. seems ok at the mo but it only just happened today
I had this happen but on a much bigger scale to one of my discus :(.I believe melafix is good for treating wounds.
I'm sure your water it tip top from keeping Discus already but now would be the time to make sure everything in the tank is perfect to stop infection. I would use Melafix as a preventative measure to help keep the wound from infection. Melafix is a natural product (it's basically tea tree oil) so will be safe to use. I would avoid using other chemical treatments unless infection is starting to show.

BTW I had this happen to one of my Oscars and he healed in a week or so with no scars.
I'm sure your water it tip top from keeping Discus already but now would be the time to make sure everything in the tank is perfect to stop infection. I would use Melafix as a preventative measure to help keep the wound from infection. Melafix is a natural product (it's basically tea tree oil) so will be safe to use. I would avoid using other chemical treatments unless infection is starting to show.

BTW I had this happen to one of my Oscars and he healed in a week or so with no scars.
I have catterpa leaves in there so they may help a little, stupid thing is he went and done it again same place on head only dog made him jump by barking at him when he came to the glass front bloody dogs have tput a muzzel on im

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