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  1. F


    fishstores all the way!
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    Limegreen Fry

    thanks, this sounds
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    Limegreen Fry

    photos please? :D
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    no, don't add the algea eater, it will get aggressive and large. the best bet for the gouramis is a 1 male to 2 females. i would also add a few more tetras, maybe dropping a few cories. tetras look alot better when they are in large schools. i would go maybe 8-10 of them. good luck with the...
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    congrats iairj84. :good: my female guppy gave birth to 29 fry yesterday.
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    What Else Can I Add

    oh, duh.. :stupid:
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    Television Fish

    i notice every fishtank, bird cage, animal cage, everything. it's funny how i see the small things in the vorner and completely ignore the rest of the
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    What Else Can I Add

    sorry for asking but what is a "rtbs"? other than that, i would deffaintly add some more zebra danios, and more glo-light tetras. i would add enough of those two so you would have at least 6 of each species. that might be the most you could put in the tank without over stocking the tank. as...
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    Frends For A Betta

    i have a 16 gallon tank and i am thinking about putting a pair of bettas in it. what other tank mates can put in it that come from the same geographical area? any suggestions are fine, i'm not picky when it comes to fish. Andrew
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    Finally Their Mating

    mollies don't need salt in order to live. i keep all of my swordtrails, guppies, and mollies in freshwater and they are constantly dropping young. any way, congrates with the new mollies. post photos what size tank are they in? you do know that with 8 (maybe you will be...
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    Green Guppies?

    yes, those two bars on the tail are called swords.
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    does any one know if the lyretail gene in sword tails is dominant or ressecive? i know that the gonopodiums in males grows too long to fuction but females can still become pregnant. I have a male and female pair and the female is pregnant from anothe male than i my male is still...
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    16 Gallon

    no, tha tank is not cycled yet. in fact, it is in my attic at the moment. i am trying to convince my mom to let me fill her up. i am not going to start cycling until she says yes. i am just getting ideas for what fish i am going to put in it.
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    Tiger Barbs

    how many tiger barbs could i put in a 16 gallon tank? the only fish in the tank would be the barbs. some people have told me 6-8 but others have told me 0. i am confused:unsure: . i apprieciate any help. Andrew
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    Your Favourite Tetra

    my favorite tetras are head and tail light, followed by glo-light, and black skirt tetras come in third.
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    16 Gallon

    i have an emoty 16 gallon that i plann in putting some fish in. i want to put 6 harlies in it but i want some other fish as well. i was wondering if any of you could tell me how many zebra danios i could put in with the harlies? thanks, Andrew
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    i am not sure of the dimensions as of now. measured it once before so i can try to find a place to put the tank but i have lost the paper. it is pretty tall tho. it looks to have a little bit more top surface area than a 15 gallon. the tank is in the attic right now. can i put a small...
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    i have a 16 gallon tank with no fish in it. i ws told be other sites that they need a min. tank size of 30 gallons but your site says 10-15 gallons. who is right? i only want one. is it possible to house one in a 16 gallon? also, what are some other african species of fish that i con house...
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    16 Gallon Tank

    how many swordtails could i put in a 16 gallon tank. the only fish in there would be the swordtails and i would have them in a male to felame ratio of 1:2. one male for every two females. Andrew
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    Paradise Fish

    sounds good to me! :hyper: i think i will pass on the guppies until the tank is all set up and all the fish are in it. and i got it, NO THREE SPOT GOURAMIS!!! :no: Andrew
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    Paradise Fish

    i almost forgot, could i put two three spot gouramis in the tank instead of anything else? i did not want to start another post for this. i think that the tank will be too small but i wanted a professional opinion. i know that three will be too many for sure so i will just have two femals so...
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    Paradise Fish

    i have already been to my lfs and my favorites are the harlequin rasboras. these fish have always been one of my favorite fish. so i will deffaintly be adding them. so, here is my final stock list for a 16 gallon tank with a filter fo a twenty gallon tank with a bio-wheel. 3-honey gouramis...
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    Paradise Fish

    thanks for the info. i all ready have some cherry barbs and gold barbs in my mom's tank. i lke schooling fish so i think i will add cold barbs. already red in the gouramis also. if there is anything else you think i should know, do tell. i think i am out of questions for now. talk to you...
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    Good Schooling Fish?

    my favorite tetras in the world are glowlight tetras, followed by head and tail light tetras. i also like black skirt tetras. but you are right, glowlights would prolly be your best option color wise.
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    My Neon Tetra Has A Twisted Spine!

    i had a guppy a few weeks ago that died( i think, one day he was gone a nd nowhere to be found) that had a twisted spine as well. i got a book about guppies from my school's libary and was reading it to learn more about guppies. i was not even looking to see if it said anything about twisted...
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    Paradise Fish

    i have never seen honey gouramis at my lfs put i will ask if they can order them for me. should they be in a trio like the others or a pair? i am also looking for fish from the same geographical location so guppies or platys won't work. what about some cherry or gold barbs instead? will they...
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    Paradise Fish

    wow. I had no idea that paradise fish were so aggresive. ???? all of my books say that they are very peacfull fish. and to think that i was going to get one for my moms tank. what about a pair of pearl gouramis with some harlequin rasboras? or a trio (one male, two females) of dwarf gouramis?
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    Rainbow Fish

    i didn't have room for the plecos in my tank so i had to convince my mom to get one to put in her tank and when she finally decided to get one they had raised their prices.
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    Paradise Fish

    can i house one or two drawf gouramis in a 16 gallon with one pair of paradise fish? i will deffaintly have the paradise fish. just looking for tanks mates from the same geographical location. if they will fight because they look too much alike or something feel free to make suggestions.
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    Rainbow Fish

    i have a storey about an under priced fish. I was at my local lfs and they had just gotten a new shipment of fish in. they get new fish every wensday so i ride my bike up there to see what they got. they ordered some fancy plecos but they don't know what kind they ordered. they ordered two...
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    16 Gallon W/rainbowfish

    they raised their prices on the rainbow fish. the last time i saw them they were $2.00. yesterday they were $6.00. but they also had celebes rainbowfish that were $5.00. how many of thee could I put in instead of the neons?
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    16 Gallon W/rainbowfish

    i would be running a filter that is big enough for a twenty gallon tank with a bio wheel. I also might add another filter that only filters five gallons at the other end of the tank just for current and extra clean water. Is it possible to over filter your water? prolly not but the current...
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    16 Gallon W/rainbowfish

    i've never seen blue eyed rainbows before but i will look around next time i go the the petstore. and how small is "smallish"? 4-6 maybe? eight would be better if space allows because there are no other fish in the tank. Andrew
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    16 Gallon W/rainbowfish

    the only time that i have ever seen threadfin rainbows was at petsmart last year and they were being sold for 10 dollars each. for me, this is way to expensive. a local mom and pop store near my house has what they call "dwaf neon rainbowfish" they said they only get about 1 1/2 - 2 inches in...
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    16 Gallon W/rainbowfish

    Hi, I'm new here so I am not sure if this is the right spot to post this or not. Any way, I have an empty 16 gallon tank that is empty. I do not like empty tanks ^_^ . I was wondering how many rainbowfish I could put in the tank with out over crowding them. I am also looking for something...