Rainbow Fish


Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2006
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Chicago, USA
So yesterday I went to a pretty good lfs close to my house, and they have a few species of Rainbow fish. I noticed that they had dwarf neon rainbows also, but they didn't have a price, so I asked the guy what the price was for each one. He said it was $12 a fish, and they only had 3 left, so I just bought some plants and left. Also the prices on other rainbows such as Iranian, Yellow, and Australian rainbows went for $25 each!

My question is WTF?

No wonder some people buy the cheaper fish that shouldn't really be sold to be housed in aquariums. If I didn't know any better, I would go for the cheaper Pangasius catfish.

If anyone has any stories about over-priced fish that they have encountered, then please write.
i have a storey about an under priced fish.

I was at my local lfs and they had just gotten a new shipment of fish in. they get new fish every wensday so i ride my bike up there to see what they got. they ordered some fancy plecos but they don't know what kind they ordered. they ordered two gold nugget plecos and one queen pleco. they were all about four inches long. I asked them how much they were because they didn't have prices up yet. the lady told me 2.99 each! the next week i went to get one. at 2.99 each you can't get a better deal. the person that told me how much they cost origanally was clearly uninformed. i asked how much they were again in case they figured out how much they should really be charging. I was told 30 dollars each. no way in the world am i going to spend 30 dollars on a fish.

a different petstore near me had dwarf neon rainbowfish for 2.99 about four months ago. when i was there yesterday they had raised the prices to 5.99. still cheaper than what you would have paid.
Wow, you have some nice fish stores price-wise. I understand for a fancy pleco or other fancy fish to be expensive, but a shoaling fish should not cost so much. If I was you I would already have those plecos :).
All my rainbows cost me about 7 GBP each, yesterday I saw some I'd not seen before, they were sort of long finned ones but they weren't threadfin as they were vv deep bodied and looked just like my blue rainbows. They were 30GBP each!!! I was shocked!!! :crazy:
what kind of 'australian rainbow' was is?

the goyder river rainbows around here usually go for ~$8 when 6cm
i didn't have room for the plecos in my tank so i had to convince my mom to get one to put in her tank and when she finally decided to get one they had raised their prices.

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