Your Favourite Tetra

my favourites my black widow, need to get it some mates again though - got it with a tank as 1 of 2, the other died a couple of months back though. not keen on neons at the moment, they're not very hardy around my area, got 2 lots from 2 shops and every single 1 has gone, along with 3 fire tetras! my xrays + head&tails school together until disturbed, the black neons dive in too lol

my black widow "schools" with my young silver dollar, about the same size at the moment lol confused lil fish...... :rolleyes:
we have a few favorites..

Black Phantoms (we've had 12 in the past but are now down to about 5)
Buenos Aires Tetras (we've got a group of 9 2.5" fatties)

and at the moment Congos - we have a group of 11 - 5 adults and 6 juviniles.

we have a few favorites..

Black Phantoms (we've had 12 in the past but are now down to about 5)
Buenos Aires Tetras (we've got a group of 9 2.5" fatties)

and at the moment Congos - we have a group of 11 - 5 adults and 6 juviniles.


I hate you for getting such good pictures of yours, mine won't hold still for ANYTHING :p Did you breed the juvies yourself from your adults, or just pick them up somewhere small?
wow i never knew there were so many tetras! i like neon tetras so cute and colour ful i have 4 of them :hyper: lol
I like Neons or Cardinals. I find a lot of the others quite plain as I'm into brightly coloured fish :wub:
my favorite tetras are head and tail light, followed by glo-light, and black skirt tetras come in third.
my favourite is cardinal, although phamton are a good one too, so are black neons, rummy nose, bleeding heart, infact theres very few tetras i dis like
I love my Black Phantoms, I really like my female. I want some red phantoms also I think having a school of each would be nice. They also get along with my Betta very well.
I know they do not have a very good image (fin nippers!), but I love my shoal of serpae tetras. Beatiful active fish! And they are going along very well with my gouramis. The neons, although very beatiful were in hiding the whole time (the time they survived, that is), but my serpaes have just the right character for this tank.

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