

Feb 20, 2007
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I've changed my mind on what fish I would like in my 26 Gallon tank. I just want to check that these would be ok together and that it's not too overstocked.

2 Blue Dwarf Gourami
6 Cardinal Tetra's
5 Peppered Cory Cat's
1 Candy Striped Pleco

Would be ok. None of those fish are aggressive!
Just a few things to bear in mind.
- Cardinals do prefer softwater. Living in England means you will probably have hard-water, so why not go for Neon's?
- Plec's prefer slighty longer tanks, minimum of 3ft ideally.
- Make sure you have plenty of wood in there for the plec to nibble on!

:good: Otherwise, looks fine!
You can't add them all a once though.
I've changed my mind on what fish I would like in my 26 Gallon tank. I just want to check that these would be ok together and that it's not too overstocked.

2 Blue Dwarf Gourami
6 Cardinal Tetra's
5 Peppered Cory Cat's
1 Candy Striped Pleco


just an observation, not a Gourami expert but I believe it is best to have 1 male to 2 females. You say you would like to have 2, if you have 2 males they will squabble over territory, if you have one of each sex then he will pester or even fight the femail if she wont mate. I have the 1 to 2 ratio and they are very happy.
I've changed my mind on what fish I would like in my 26 Gallon tank. I just want to check that these would be ok together and that it's not too overstocked.

2 Blue Dwarf Gourami
6 Cardinal Tetra's
5 Peppered Cory Cat's
1 Candy Striped Pleco


just an observation, not a Gourami expert but I believe it is best to have 1 male to 2 females. You say you would like to have 2, if you have 2 males they will squabble over territory, if you have one of each sex then he will pester or even fight the femail if she wont mate. I have the 1 to 2 ratio and they are very happy.

I've been told various different things about the dwarf gourami's from different people on various forums. I've been told the following combinations:

1 Dwarf Gourami
2 Dwarf Gourami (male and female)
3 Dwarf Gourami (male and 2 female)

No one seems to know for definate how many is best to get and my LFS sells them in male/female pairs so I decided on that.
no, don't add the algea eater, it will get aggressive and large. the best bet for the gouramis is a 1 male to 2 females. i would also add a few more tetras, maybe dropping a few cories. tetras look alot better when they are in large schools. i would go maybe 8-10 of them. good luck with the fish!
But it says they're Peaceful and only grow up to 4cm??

The chinese algea eaters aren't very good, IMO. We had one and he was ruthless with some of the other fish we had in our tank (and our tank was larger than yours with probably the same number of fish).
But it says they're Peaceful and only grow up to 4cm??

The chinese algea eaters aren't very good, IMO. We had one and he was ruthless with some of the other fish we had in our tank (and our tank was larger than yours with probably the same number of fish).

Ok, I'll just stick with what I already picked then. :)
But it says they're Peaceful and only grow up to 4cm??

The chinese algea eaters aren't very good, IMO. We had one and he was ruthless with some of the other fish we had in our tank (and our tank was larger than yours with probably the same number of fish).

Ok, I'll just stick with what I already picked then. :)

They start out pretty peaceful and eat a decent amount of algae but soon grow of it. My adult (he was like 3 inches, certainly more than 4 cm) was a recluse that only came out to chase other fish.
Would I have space for a Zebra Snail?? I'd like to have one snail that doesn't multiply into millions and doesn't eat my plants, would that one be ok??

Also can they crawl out of open top tanks??

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