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  1. loggerbomb

    What Kind Of Sand Is Safe?

    Not to mention all the nasty bugs and parasites, etc. that you would find in it. :sick:
  2. loggerbomb

    Fluval surface skimmer?

    I am having that problem with mine. Just got it today as it was half off, but can't get it to spin - or is it supposed to spin?
  3. loggerbomb

    Is Cory Getting Enough?

    Well the tank is a 10 gallon tank. With the 5 neon tetras and the cory, that already is to the limits of the tank if your going by the inch per gallon rule of thumb.
  4. loggerbomb

    The Complete Noob...

    lol, no doubt! Though I found that out with some yellow rock. The g/f wanted the tank to look "pretty" so I used some old blue rock I had from an old, old tank and bought some yellow rock to mix together. The blue is still as blue as the day I got it, but the yellow rock has faded quit a bit...
  5. loggerbomb

    Is Cory Getting Enough?

    Well than buy me a bigger tank and I will.
  6. loggerbomb

    How To Give Daphnia To Fish

    Maybe it's not so big a deal with just a little bit of water and the daphnia, but when you get a good gallon + of water with a new fish(es), you sure as heck shouldn't not dump too much of that water into your tank, thats just asking for trouble. Why do you think people who are serious about...
  7. loggerbomb

    Is Betta Alright In This Tank

    If you are going to use that size of container, don't put too much in there with the poor guy. It might seem like a lot of space when it is empty, but once you put in some rocks, a plant and if you really feel you need a heater and filter, there goes even more room. I'm with Arimus on the fact...
  8. loggerbomb

    Is Cory Getting Enough?

    Yeah I've read that and well, my experience has been that they do just fine by themselves. I had one in a bigger tank before and he had no problems. I would get one or two more, but the tank is full and I would be overstocking if I added anything more.
  9. loggerbomb

    Is Cory Getting Enough?

    Food. I have a Cory, named Cory (how original I know) with 5 neon tetras and I am just wondering if there is anyway to tell if he is getting enough food. I don't feed the neons too much, as I learned from overfeeding that it causes waay too many problems, but Cory seems to scavenge for food...
  10. loggerbomb

    Spikes Turnt Mean! :(

    for what it's worth my betta was fine with the 2 neons I had in the tank with him, until he died that was....
  11. loggerbomb

    Betta Is Sick! Need Help

    Raffi is dead. Woke up about 15 mins ago and he was gone. I wish I would of noticed him going all pine cone earlier. At first he was just puffed out and it looked like he just needed a good poo. Alas, when I came home last might and checked on him, he was pine coned. Couldn't get any medicine...
  12. loggerbomb

    Betta Is Sick! Need Help

    Yeah his scales are sticking out. Thats a sign of the dropsy is it not? I geuss I'll put him back in the big tank as its nice and toasty for him. Which is better the tetracycline or the Kanamycin? I tried the pea trick but no dice. He won't eat it.
  13. loggerbomb

    Betta Is Sick! Need Help

    Well he's got some colour back, tummy still swollen, but I don't expect that to go away in a flash. Don't have any peas yet either....
  14. loggerbomb

    Betta Is Sick! Need Help

    So other than the pea trick, is there anything else I can do to help the poor guy out? Will he finally pass and be better, or will he just get sicker? I am just worried/concerned because I have never had this happen to the other 3 bettas I had.
  15. loggerbomb

    Betta Is Sick! Need Help

    Well I haven't been able to get a good close-up of the fish. So can't help there. I also don't have any peas to feed the poor guy either. I'll have to wait till the stores open in a few hours. Though I don't understand how him being constipated would make his colouring dull so much???
  16. loggerbomb

    New To Bettas....

    Seem rather happy to me. One is a tad shy, but the other one is just full of zip. Wish I could say the same for my Betta though!
  17. loggerbomb

    New To Bettas....

    with the size of the tank and the size of the pagoda, I wouldn't recommend putting anything else in there really. Maybe a little neon tetra? I am having good results with 2 of them and my betta.
  18. loggerbomb

    Betta Is Sick! Need Help

    Hey gang, I was hoping someone could help me and my fish. For some reason he has gotten very swollen in his stomach, he isn't swimming much like he had been for the last week and he is breathing very heavy. The swelling came on very fast, say in the last 8 hours or so. He was swimming around...
  19. loggerbomb

    Some Newbie no-nos

    in my old 45 gallon tank I had a male and female betta, an angelfish and 3 neon tetras among others. They all got along very well. The only time I had a fish disrupt others was when I mistakenly added a cichlid, yeah I know now that was a bad idea, but I was told it would be fine by the LFS...
  20. loggerbomb

    My Betta And His Home

    I do want to go with real plants, but I wanted to get the tank established first. I have seen Raffi actually lodge himself into the plants. Funny little quirk if you ask me. I tried to put the one plant in front of the filter to disperse some of the flow. Raffi does seem to struggle at times...
  21. loggerbomb

    My Betta And His Home

    OK guys, I introduced myself in the "Newbie" section (oh how I despise that term!) but figured I would stroll on down here to the Betta section as my only fish is one! (how appropriate of me eh? lol) So without further delay, here is Raffi in all his semi blurred glory Here is his pimped out...
  22. loggerbomb

    Show Me Your Betta Setup!

    Yeah a tad flashy and bright but the gf wanted it that way
  23. loggerbomb

    Awful Lfs Betta Treatment

    I guess that would be better than a DFS (dead fish supplier) :lol:
  24. loggerbomb

    How To Clean By Betta's Bowl

    Once a week should be ok. The fish are likely stressed from the multiple water changes and if I am reading this right, from the shock of new water. Ease up on your water changing to about once a week and though you might get some murky water near the end of the week, your bettas won't be that...
  25. loggerbomb

    Divided 10gal...

    I'd say snails are a bad idea. They make more mess than they clean. You wouldn't need bottom feeders for that size of set-up, let alone 2 per side. The Betta's themselves should do a decent enough job of picking over leftovers.
  26. loggerbomb

    Starting A Betta Tank

    Personally, I'd go bigger. I had my poor Betta in a little bowl I got for a present and though he seemed ok, the bowl always got dirty very fast and was not very pleasant smelling. Poor fish had not much room to swim around either. Not sure what kind of space limits you have but My little 10...
  27. loggerbomb

    Please Delete This Thread...

    Oh I know that. Its just the back and forth of the thread was very repetitive. I was trying to say that no matter what people tell the OP in regards of advice, he is going to do what he wants. If the people giving the advice feel they have been ignored than maybe in the future they shouldn't...
  28. loggerbomb


    Hey there, thought I would introduce myself. My name is Brent, from Waterloo ON Canada. I received a small 10 gallon tank for christmas and finally got the pump, heater and extras needed to get it going. Not my first venture into aquariums as I had one when I was in my teens, but after a while...
  29. loggerbomb

    Please Delete This Thread...

    I hate to say it and I don't want to step on anyones toes....but being a new member and seeing this thread made me feel a little wary of this forum. People need to breath a little and not bicker back and forth on the threads. If you have a problem with someone you should be taking it to private...