Fluval surface skimmer?


Ignore my post count, it means I waffle too much,
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Peterborough, England
Just found this


And was wondering if they are any good. Its not one of the expensive marine protien skimmers, it simply attaches to an existing external filters intake pipe and then you set the ratio of surface and deep tank water that is filtered. Looks excellent and one site i found says they clear surface scum in an hour. Oh and cheap too, $10.95 on one site so cant be any more than that in £.

Anyone use/used one?

No not bad at all, looks like a slight dusting of the surface when you look up from the front of the tank. And at the price they are selling them thought it might be worth a go. I like clean water :D

Well I got one yesterday and set it up and the surface of my tank is so clean it shimmers. I would reccomend these to anyone with any problem with surface problems. I have two filters running agitating the surface and still had a dusting on the surface, now its great. Only - is that its fiddly to get the ratio of surface/deep water spot on (too much surface and it can suck air bubbles into the filter).

Eheim also do one that is over twice the price (got my fluval for £8.99 and was quoted £23.99 for ehiem), but knowing ehiem it is probably better quality.

Only - is that its fiddly to get the ratio of surface/deep water spot on (too much surface and it can suck air bubbles into the filter).

I am having that problem with mine. Just got it today as it was half off, but can't get it to spin - or is it supposed to spin?
thanks for the mini review guys . i am cureently having major problems with surfsce scum. If anyone else can offer advice on the subject that will be helpful too

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