Spikes Turnt Mean! :(


Feb 14, 2007
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Well I knew it was a possibility but he seemed so relaxed while he was in there, then tonight I turnt off the light on the tank and I was watching him he kept going after the neons, he swam right up to one and the neon just looked at him so Spike bit him and kept going for him, I got a net in there ASAP and seperated them, the neon is fine by the way! I kept the plastic bag that we brought him home in and have had to put him in there and kept him floating in the tank so he stays warm. The only problem is is what do I do now??? I have another tank that he can go in but the water isnt cycled, theres no gravel, plants, heater or filter. So Ive filled the tank up to let it rest for a few days but he cant go in without anything can he??? And the tank wont cycle with nothing in it anyway would it??? So what can I do for him? I dont think the store would take him back 'cos they sold him to us cheap anyway as he was damaged but then they would most likely dump him straight back in with all the gourami!
What can I do for him???
Well I guess if you don't want to put him into the uncycled tank until it's cycled... you could just get one of those betta box things you put into your main tank to seperate him from the rest as a temp solution until the other tank is cycled. Or like a breeders net maybe.
Or you could put him into the uncycled tank and just make sure to stay on top of the water changes etc while the tank cycles with him in it.
How big is the main tank? You could also get a tank divider maybe? Seperate it giving him a small space to himself as a temp solution.
Yea, I saw those breeder boxes that can be used for bettas and was thinking about it, but I still wouldnt have anything for the other tank. Its just tap water in there and I have no de-chlorinator or anything like that, I was getting some this weekend to do a water change in the main tank. I also have no gravel, no heater and no plants for this other tank. I know betta can survive in cold water but they are a tropical fish and even though they are 'surviving' they probably aren't much liking it! And how would the tank cycle with no gravel or plants etc?
Thanks for replying.
Sadly it just proves the point that most of the time you cant keep bettas with many other fish. He'll be fine in the other tank as long as you keep up with the water changes most people with bettas dont use filters anyway (you'll find some people say is this wrong) My boys hate filters they dont make nests when in a filtered tank! He'll be ok with no heater for now, pop and get one as soon as you can

Just noticed you said no dechlor, could you maybe put some water from the tank in instead for now?
Can you not buy a filter and heater and fishless cycle and, meanwhile, just keep him in a betta box in the main tank? You don't really have much of a choice. I personaly wouldn't put him in the tank without a heater at least. And with fins like that, you need the water to be pretty clean or he might get finrot.
Im going to see about getting a betta box thing tomorrow to keep him in the main tank for now. I cant take any water out of the main tank either 'cos its a built in filter and it has to be full for the filer and heater to work. Even if there was a filter and heater in the other tank how would it cycle? Does ther not have to be gravel and plants etc???
Yeah you can do fishless cycling.

Just some quick ways (some of these I've only read about).... get a small piece of raw fish or shrimp and chunk it into the water.

Or use pure ammonia in the water, I'm doing that for my 10gal.. using between 5-7 drops every day.

Uhm, or you could use flake food. Add in a few flakes every 12 hrs... probably would be best to float a net in the tank and then put the flakes into the net, that way you won't have a big mess to clean up later.

When you get a filter for that tank, put the filter media into your already cycled tanks filter. Leave it in for a week or 2 and the beneficial bacteria should be in the new filter as well now.

Or take some gravel from your cycled tank, put it into a sock and place the sock in the new tank. The bacteria from the gravel will help along cycling in the new tank. How much gravel though, not sure.

I'm sure you can read up about fishless cycling on a number of places though :D
Thankyou! I have to try and get a betta box first, otherwise I think I might have to find Spike a new home. I cant bear to see him sat in the bag :( poor little guy, its not his fault.
Have you got nothing at all you can put him in, any sort of bowl for the time being. leave the water to stand over night or for a few hours and float him in it. Try to keep him near the tank so he has some company.
There seem to be alot of people here who are successfully keeping their bettas in fish bowls. Just make sure you put him in an area that will keep his water warm.
And with water changes... if you can't get any dechlor right away, just leave some water out for the next days water change.
Also if you do decide to put him into a bowl, be sure to put some sort of top on it to make sure he can't jump out.
Ok. My boyfriend has got 2 bags of gravel and a plant for the other tank and some de-chlorinator. He isnt home 'til 5ish tonight so if I put all of that in then is he OK to go in tomorrow morning or is that too soon?
Also, I have a small hamster travel thing that I could put in main tank but I would stretch over a pair of tights to stop the neons and guppies going in there with him. Its 15cm long, 8cm wide. It has plastic base and wire top, would this be OK until when I can put him in the other tank?
And whats the soonest I could put him in other tank after gravel etc gone in there tonight???
As long as you do not allow an ammonia build up that will burn him, he will do fine in an uncycled unfiltered tank. I have some Bettas in filtered tanks and some in bowls. Even in the 3 usg filtered tank they need frequent water changes. If the water sits over night (24 hours) the chlorine will disipate. He will survive a one time experience with some heavy metals and chloramine if there is any in your tap water.

Betta requirements are not the same as other fish. Some people get pretty fanatic about how the Betta tank HAS to be, but just keep his water clean with frequent water changes and get some tap water conditioner.

I have seen posts where people claim that their Betta lived 6 years (2 years is average) because of filtering. Right next to it is a testamony that someone's Betta lived 6 years in an unfiltered bowl.

Same with the heat. If your place is over 70 degrees a young Betta will be fine, just don't let the temp fluctuate too much. Wuv once said that she deliberately let her Bettas "tough lt" to strengthen them.

I have a stock of critterkeepers for sudden use Betta keeping. I will also use a beanie box for short term or a large vase.

Do use covers though.
Take your filter off your cycled tank, go over and squeeze it into the water of your uncycled tank. Take some gravel from your cycled tank, tie it into a hose and drop it in your new tank. All that bacteria will cycle your new tank in no time.

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