Awful Lfs Betta Treatment


Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
25 miles south of Aberdeen, Scotland
Went in to one of my LFS' in aberdeen a week or so ago and saw a few beautiful bettas, in community tanks or species tanks with a betta in with them. They must've just arrived as their fins were still stunning.

went in to the same place today and found the bettas unsold, with their fins totally demolished by the fish they were with. One of them especially had been destroyed, it didnt even look like a betta anymore, more like a guppy - pretty much all its fins were gone. It was in a tank full of tiger barbs :blink: Felt so sorry for it, if i wasnt' moving house i'd have bought it and set up my little tank for it. Last week the owner said he thought my 8 gallon was too small to divide in to 2 for 2 bettas, i'm not not going ahead with that plan anyway now (just getting 1 betta for the tank), but he has an awful cheek saying that then letting his get mauled.
you should divide it 4gs is fine for a betta. some lfs are particulaly bad for not taking care of there fish. fortunatley my lfs is very good and takes good care of there fish. but there is a lps that doesnt care about there fish and staff dont know anything about fish
yea my other LFS is excellent, their tanks are all crystal clear with all healthy fish and they don't bullsh*t you just to get a sale, they'll tell you if a fish isnt suitable etc.

yea i knew 4g's per betta would be fine, i just humoured him when he said it was too small lol. But i've decided to just get 1 betta and get 5 or 6 dwarf cory's, i think dividers make tanks look a bit ugly.
Ugh I hate LFS's that don't take care of their fish, don't even get me started on one of my local LFS's, lol.
i have pics of walmart fish treatment on my cell. i have to bluetooth it to my PC to show you these two goregous bettas literally rotting in their bowls and a group of gold fish that were dead, spinning in a circle, dying fish caught in with them :sick: .
Went in to one of my LFS' in aberdeen a week or so ago and saw a few beautiful bettas, in community tanks or species tanks with a betta in with them. They must've just arrived as their fins were still stunning.

went in to the same place today and found the bettas unsold, with their fins totally demolished by the fish they were with. One of them especially had been destroyed, it didnt even look like a betta anymore, more like a guppy - pretty much all its fins were gone. It was in a tank full of tiger barbs :blink: Felt so sorry for it, if i wasnt' moving house i'd have bought it and set up my little tank for it. Last week the owner said he thought my 8 gallon was too small to divide in to 2 for 2 bettas, i'm not not going ahead with that plan anyway now (just getting 1 betta for the tank), but he has an awful cheek saying that then letting his get mauled.

So did you point out the state of his fish and comment that anyone knows they shouldn't be kept with barbs?

i have pics of walmart fish treatment on my cell. i have to bluetooth it to my PC to show you these two goregous bettas literally rotting in their bowls and a group of gold fish that were dead, spinning in a circle, dying fish caught in with them :sick: .
Who issues their livestock licence? You need to make a complaint against them to whomever is responsible. Write a letter to their head office and send them the photos etc. Don't just do nothing!
So did you point out the state of his fish and comment that anyone knows they shouldn't be kept with barbs?

yea i brought it up and he just tried to fob me off with how it was unlucky and most fish are ok...yea right 1 fish out of like 15 didnt have its fins chewed.

I would've stayed and argued but i had to go back to uni for a lecture. needless to say i won't be returning to that lfs

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