How To Give Daphnia To Fish


Fish Fanatic
Jan 16, 2007
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I've seen bags of daphnia in the lfs. What do you do with them? Do they need rinsing in dechlorinated water? How much do you put in per fish? Do you just tip in the whole bagful, water and all, and let the fishies snack as and when they want to - or will that mean the fish just gorge themselves silly and are dreadfully overfed? If I only gave part of the bagful, could I keep the rest in a bucket or something? Would I have to feed them on something?

Sorry if these seem ridiculous questions LOL
Empty the contents into a fine mesh net and rinse under the tap before adding to the tank. Don't pour the liquid from the bag into the tank.
i pour the whole bag into a container, then using a pipet, suck up the live ones and squirt into my tank. they swim around and some even survive till the next feeding. i usally feed a pipet full per fish per feeding. i feed about 4 times a day.if the water looks dirty, i rinse it first using a brineshrimp net you can buy at the fish shop then place into freshwater and continue with the routine i said above.
I just dump the whole lot, bag and water, into the tank. Most daphnia bags are so small you are looking pouring in 200ml tops. compare that to the size of the tank and unless the daphnia are living in pure pollution you will be fine.
I too just tip the whole bag of daphnia into the tank. I do rinse live bloodworm, though - because they seem to have more muck with them - and I strain brine shrimp (I'm assuming the water is salty).
With bloodworm do you use the little feeders that stick on the tank or just dump them in?

No I just dump them in - but I have very enthusiastic feeders in all my tanks - and the panda corys love digging the worms out of the sand - all you can see is a lot of excitedly waggling cory tails, up in the (air) water. If you have more picky eaters then you might lose some of the bloodworm in the substrate - especially if it's gravel.
I agree with andywg, people seem to worry to much about this and the water your new fish come in.............

Maybe it's not so big a deal with just a little bit of water and the daphnia, but when you get a good gallon + of water with a new fish(es), you sure as heck shouldn't not dump too much of that water into your tank, thats just asking for trouble. Why do you think people who are serious about their aquariums have quarantine tanks. There are untold numbers of nasty things that could come from the fish at your LFS, and since most fish aren't coming from all the same spot, you could have multiple nasties in your tank. Never mind the fact that most LFS have dead fish floating in the tanks for hours...thats never good for anything.

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