Is Cory Getting Enough?


New Member
Feb 6, 2007
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Waterloo ON Canada
Food. I have a Cory, named Cory (how original I know) with 5 neon tetras and I am just wondering if there is anyway to tell if he is getting enough food. I don't feed the neons too much, as I learned from overfeeding that it causes waay too many problems, but Cory seems to scavenge for food non-stop. I feed the neons a mix of flaked and now and again some freeze dried blood worms. I also have some Betta pellets left from when Raffi was alive, but they are too big for the neons and I am not sure if they actually sink for Cory to get to them. So, again, is there some way to tell if Cory is getting enough food or should I buy some kind of wafer food for him?
You could try using wafers a couple of times a week, i would add them at night> Your Cory really should be in a group they dont do well on their own......

Yeah I've read that and well, my experience has been that they do just fine by themselves. I had one in a bigger tank before and he had no problems. I would get one or two more, but the tank is full and I would be overstocking if I added anything more.
You could try using wafers a couple of times a week, i would add them at night> Your Cory really should be in a group they dont do well on their own......

Yeah I've read that and well, my experience has been that they do just fine by themselves. I had one in a bigger tank before and he had no problems. I would get one or two more, but the tank is full and I would be overstocking if I added anything more.

How do you know do fine if you havant had a group? believe me they are MUCH better in a group.
You could try using wafers a couple of times a week, i would add them at night> Your Cory really should be in a group they dont do well on their own......

Yeah I've read that and well, my experience has been that they do just fine by themselves. I had one in a bigger tank before and he had no problems. I would get one or two more, but the tank is full and I would be overstocking if I added anything more.

How do you know do fine if you havant had a group? believe me they are MUCH better in a group.

Well than buy me a bigger tank and I will.
Well than buy me a bigger tank and I will.
If you've got no other bottom feeders you might (without knowing your full stocking level) be able to get away with more cories providing the filter can keep up...
Well than buy me a bigger tank and I will.
If you've got no other bottom feeders you might (without knowing your full stocking level) be able to get away with more cories providing the filter can keep up...

Well the tank is a 10 gallon tank. With the 5 neon tetras and the cory, that already is to the limits of the tank if your going by the inch per gallon rule of thumb.
You can break catfish tablets into smaller pieces, so there is nothing to stop you giving one-cory portion sizes every day or every other day if you like.
I would get some sinking pellets and some friends for your cory! The inch per gallon is a rule of thumb, it is not a "this is it and only it" rule. plus neons are no more than 1.5 ". Assuming you have a decent filter and keep up with your water changes, adding 2 more cory's isn't going to pose a serious issue. I had at one point in my 10G 5 danios, 5 neons, and 3 cories. Everyone was fine.
Also, you are getting a little snappy with us. We are here to help. Try to be a little more friendly!
You didn't say what type of cory, I keep albinos and have to be careful they get fed enough Iv'e had several starve. What I do now is use a small sinking brine shrimp pellet and drop a few in after turning off the light agree with Breeze 7050 a couple more shouldn't upset your tank I would stick with all of the same variety however as different varieties won't school together. Scott

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