Divided 10gal...


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
Alrighty! So I have a 10 gallon divided tank cycling fishless right now.

Male will be going on the red side and fem on the black. It's not done yet.. still have alot of decor, plants, etc I need to get for it heh.

I was wondering if I could put in some sort of bottom feeder in there with them? Like 2 of whatever kind on each side? I know I'd have to watch the bettas to make sure they're not aggressive with them, but I would like to know what kind of fish would be best to keep in there with them (if any at all).

I really like panda cory but don't know much info about them (not even sure if any of the places here has them lol) so not sure if that would be good tank mates.

So blah blah blah heh... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)
ten gal is too small for any bottom feeder i know of :good: even more so a ten gal separated into two
Alrighty! So I have a 10 gallon divided tank cycling fishless right now.

Male will be going on the red side and fem on the black. It's not done yet.. still have alot of decor, plants, etc I need to get for it heh.

I was wondering if I could put in some sort of bottom feeder in there with them? Like 2 of whatever kind on each side? I know I'd have to watch the bettas to make sure they're not aggressive with them, but I would like to know what kind of fish would be best to keep in there with them (if any at all).

I really like panda cory but don't know much info about them (not even sure if any of the places here has them lol) so not sure if that would be good tank mates.

So blah blah blah heh... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)
You could go with snails--"mystery snails", p. bridgesii, one on each side. They don't reproduce like pest snails do, and they're a good cleanup crew for uneaten food and algae.
I'd say snails are a bad idea. They make more mess than they clean.

You wouldn't need bottom feeders for that size of set-up, let alone 2 per side. The Betta's themselves should do a decent enough job of picking over leftovers.
Alrighty, that's what I was told on another forum but just wanted 2nd opinions.
Just bettas it is then!

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