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    Ram Laid Eggs

    Wow, that stinks! But the pictures came out great. :good:
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    55gal African Cichlid Tank - Pictures And Videos!

    I have taken a look, which is why I started with the Texas Rock. Again, I was not a fan of how it looked. And I will say that the fish seem just as happy, if not happier, than they did with the Texas Rock in the tank. The rock was taking up a lot of swimming space, but if I do go that route...
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    55gal African Cichlid Tank - Pictures And Videos!

    Thank you! The main reason I changed it up was because the Texas Rock was so hard to keep clean. Algae seemed to thrive on that stuff, and it didn't stay white for very long. Since changing over to the driftwood/plastic plants, I have noticed a huge decrease in algae growth. Coincidental? Maybe...
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    55gal African Cichlid Tank - Pictures And Videos!

    I have kept Tropical fish tanks for many years now, but have finally found this community to share my experience with. I have had my 55gal tank established for quite some time now, but finally got around to taking a few pictures and videos for you to enjoy. Version 1 is how the tank looked when...
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    My Tropical Tank

    Yup, so I feel stupid! :shifty: Looking good! I had a bunch of Corys when I first setup my tank but they didn't seem to enjoy the sinking wafers. Be sure to watch them and make sure they are eating enough. You may want to feed them frozen bloodworms from time to time, they are a nice treat...
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    My Tropical Tank

    First off, the tank looks great! I really like the design and I think you placed the bubbles perfectly. Have any issues with the fish eating the shrimp? Mine always seem to disappear quickly. :rolleyes: I hope I don't feel stupid later for saying this, but those plants look real. What make...
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    Algae Bloom - Green Water

    Still having this problem. I have performed 2 treatments of Algae Fix, decreased the amount of time my lights are on, performed numerous water changes, and still nothing has changed! Is a UV Sterilizer my last option? -Carl
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    Algae Bloom - Green Water

    This is an option I am looking at right now. I found an in-tank UV Sterilizer that may be my best bet if AlgaeFix doesn't work. I added my first treatment yesterday so I am eagerly awaiting results. That is the link for the UV...
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    Algae Bloom - Green Water

    So, I went home for spring break and added my weekend feeder. When I arrived back, all of the fish were healthy and swimming around happily, but the water was cloudy and green! I had the usual amount of brown algae because of the fact that this is a new tank, but I have never had a problem with...
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    Here Is Cory

    Wow, you need to chill out. Go grab a brew... :good: Anyway, I love Cory Catfish! I have four of them in my tank and they are my most active fish! -Carl
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    Ok Time For Stand Pics , The Insides Of It

    Even with the meticulous nature of the members of this board you expected a messy stand? Ha! :fun: I own a Nano Cube so I don't have a stand, but I will post pictures of my fish "closet" if you want. -Carl
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    Moonlight System (e-bay) I have a 12g Nano Cube DX and would like to add some moonlighting to spice things up a bit at nighttime. This item looks small enough to fit in the hood, but also powerful enough to produce a good amount of moonlight in the aquarium...
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    My New Fw Adventure

    After seeing this thread, I had to go pick up some Corys of my own! I just purchased four little guys which seem pretty eager to get into the tank. What have you been feeding your Corys? I purchased Hikari Sinking Wafers as well as Hikari Frozen Boodworms and Brine Shrimp. Thanks, Carl
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    My New Fw Adventure

    Looking good! I honestly am a big fan of Cardinals because of how colorful they look once they mature, plus they are very active and enjoy schooling with other tetras. -Carl
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    Brown Algae

    That is all I needed to hear! By the way, your Betta tank is stunning. -Carl
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    Post Your Small Tanks Here

    I am in the process of re-decorating with real driftwood and a few more plants... I will post a picture soon. -Carl
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    Brown Algae

    Changed my lighting schedule: On: 9:00AM Off: 1:30PM On: 4:00PM Off: 10:30PM Hopefully this helps! Thanks for the replies! -Carl
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    Daytime Lighting Schedule

    Due to brown algae problems... On: 9:00AM Off: 1:30PM On: 4:00PM Off: 10:30PM Hopefully this helps! Thanks for the replies! -Carl
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    Brown Algae

    Lights are on in my tank from 11:00am until 10:30 PM, so I doubt that this algae is a result of lack of light. To clear a few things up, my Nitrite/Nitrate/Ammonia levels are at 0/0/0 respectively so I am not sure how a bacteria bloom could have caused brown algae to grow. This is not my first...
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    Brown Algae

    Good or bad? Cycling was recently completed about 3 days ago and I have been treating Ich which developed because of the harsh water conditions during cycling. I noticed an abundance of brown algae growing on my fake plants as well as the powerhead output. This brown algae has NOT formed on the...
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    My New Fw Adventure

    The Corys look great! What make are those plants? They are pretty realistic-looking. -Carl
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    Fin Rot Or Ich?

    Thanks! Yes, I had some huge issues with ammonia spikes but now my numbers have all leveled out and ammonia is no longer present. I am assuming that Ich developed because of the stress placed on the fish and the poor water quality during cycling. I will go pick up some Mardel's CopperSafe...
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    Fin Rot Or Ich?

    Thanks for the reply. I suppose another question would be, should I treat this issue even though my tank is currently in the cycling process? -Carl
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    Fin Rot Or Ich?

    So I have been cycling my tank for quite some time now and following the guidelines posted... I noticed today that a number of white spots have developed on one of my Swordtails, but I can only see these spots on his fins which leads me to...
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    Such A Difference.

    What type of sand is generally used for planted aquariums, and can this sand be used in a non-planted aquarium? The tank looks awesome, the new decor is definitely much more appealing. Thanks, Carl
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    Daytime Lighting Schedule

    Hello, I recently purchased a Coralife Aqua Light Digital Power Center with digital timers for daytime and nighttime lights. I am trying to figure out an optimal lighting schedule and figured I would ask here. I do not have live plants, and algae is not a major concern at the moment. Help is...
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    Nano Cube As A Troipcal Set-up

    Hey, I have a 12g JBJ Nano Cube DX with upgraded filtration and I can honestly say that it was a fantastic choice for my FW aquarium. All of the instruments are hidden in the filter chamber behind the tank and I personally love how easy it is to maintain. You can never have "too much light" in...
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    Post Your Small Tanks Here

    I was just convinced by these pictures to add one more Cardinal plant which I had in my closet, plastic of course. :rolleyes:
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    Post Your Small Tanks Here

    Details in my signature. :shifty: -Carl
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    Your Tank Shot Please!

    My 12g JBJ Nano Cube DX: Hi Fin Lyretail Swordtail (2) Green Cobra Guppy (2) Zebra Danio Blue Paradise Gourami Gold Gourami -Carl
  31. 12gnanomaximized.jpg


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    Ammonia Detox

    Wow, I learned quite a bit from those links you provided. Many thanks for your help! Thanks, Carl
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    Ammonia Detox

    Nope, I have not touched the filter sponges, just the filter floss that I added. During cycling I can expect high levels of ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite? I will re-read this thread...
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    Ammonia Detox

    Thanks for the advice. I just performed a 25% water change and I will re-test the ammonia levels tomorrow. Once the new tank arrives, I will move the Shrimp and the Gouramis and add a tablespoon of salt as recommended. How long does cycling usually last? I thought a week or so was more than...
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    Ammonia Detox

    I figured I added too many fish at one time since the levels have not yet changed. No, I don't have a nitrate/nitrite reading kit, and yes, I can move the shrimp as well. So as of now, I should keep treating the water and let time run its course? Thanks, Carl
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    Ammonia Detox

    The 12g tank has been setup for 3 weeks, and the 3 gallon tank is just a temporary solution because I seem to have purchased a pretty aggressive Blue Paradise Gourami. Thanks, Carl
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    Ammonia Detox

    Hello, Here are the specifics of my current 12g Nano tank: JBJ Nano-Cube DX Freshwater Aquarium PH: 7.0 - TEMP: 78 Degrees Visi-therm Stealth Heater 50W MaxiJet 900 Powerhead (230gph) Vita-Chem (Freshwater), Stress Coat, Pro-Clear Freshwater, API MELAFIX, Kordon AmQuel+ APS Battery Back-UPS...