55gal African Cichlid Tank - Pictures And Videos!


New Member
Jan 31, 2007
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Franklin Lakes, New Jersey - USA
I have kept Tropical fish tanks for many years now, but have finally found this community to share my experience with. I have had my 55gal tank established for quite some time now, but finally got around to taking a few pictures and videos for you to enjoy. Version 1 is how the tank looked when I first set it up, and Version 2 is the re-design that I completed about two weeks ago. I wanted a more "natural" look. Let me know what you think! :good:

Version 1:

Video of Version 1:
(Right-click Save-As)

Version 2:

Video of Version 2:
(Right-click Save-As)

Thanks for looking!
IMO id say you're better off with version 1 because of the amount of territories it has compared to 2
Wow. I'm a sucker for v.1, although both are gorgeous.

That's the second time this week I've seen that spotted yellow/green plant (in the first picture). Is it live?
Very cool.
Thank you! The main reason I changed it up was because the Texas Rock was so hard to keep clean. Algae seemed to thrive on that stuff, and it didn't stay white for very long. Since changing over to the driftwood/plastic plants, I have noticed a huge decrease in algae growth. Coincidental? Maybe. :shifty:

And in response to the question about the plants: no, they are fake! :)

While I am a fan of "natural" looks. Version 1 seems more natural for an African tank since the environment they are from is rocky.
As said with those fish your much better of with the tank you had before, as these guys come from rocky shores....I do like the layout and look of your new set up but feel the fish would be better with the first way you had it,,,,go to the african section and have a good look :good:
As said with those fish your much better of with the tank you had before, as these guys come from rocky shores....I do like the layout and look of your new set up but feel the fish would be better with the first way you had it,,,,go to the african section and have a good look :good:

I have taken a look, which is why I started with the Texas Rock. Again, I was not a fan of how it looked. And I will say that the fish seem just as happy, if not happier, than they did with the Texas Rock in the tank. The rock was taking up a lot of swimming space, but if I do go that route again I will definitely get some smaller pieces. Thanks for your input! :good:

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