Ammonia Detox


New Member
Jan 31, 2007
Reaction score
Franklin Lakes, New Jersey - USA

Here are the specifics of my current 12g Nano tank:

JBJ Nano-Cube DX Freshwater Aquarium
PH: 7.0 - TEMP: 78 Degrees
Visi-therm Stealth Heater 50W
MaxiJet 900 Powerhead (230gph)
Vita-Chem (Freshwater), Stress Coat, Pro-Clear Freshwater, API MELAFIX, Kordon AmQuel+
APS Battery Back-UPS ES 725

I currently have the following inhabitants:
Trinidad Pleco
Hi Fin Lyre Swordtail (2)
Green Cobra Guppy (2)
Zebra Danio
Japonica Amano Shrimp
...and two Gourami's which are being moved into a new 3g tank this weekend.

I have been treating my high ammonia levels (as high as 3.0ppm) for the past 5 days or so, and have seen little or no decrease in the ammonia level. I have been using Kordon AmQuel+ to treat this issue, and I was wondering if I should consider purchasing something a bit stronger.

Dosage: 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons

Today I added double the normal dosage to see if that affects my results tomorrow. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Ammonia being tested with Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Ammonia Test Kit

It is also notable that I have seen 3 or 4 Guppy fry swimming around the tank within the past two days...

How long ahs teh tank been set up.
A 3 gallon tank is why to small for gouramis.
Sorry about the spelling mistakes.
Do you have a nitrite and nitrate reading.
You will get a high ammonia reading as the tank cycling, then the fish also have to go through high nitrites too.
It takes it toll on a fish causing the immune system to shut down.
Added to many fish too soon.
Can you add the strimp to the 3gal as I would recommend some salt in the tank to help gill function as the high ammonia reading will make them sore.
Sorry about the spelling mistakes.
Do you have a nitrite and nitrate reading.
You will get a high ammonia reading as the tank cycling, then the fish also have to go through high nitrites too.
It takes it toll on a fish causing the immune system to shut down.
Added to many fish too soon.
Can you add the strimp to the 3gal as I would recommend some salt in the tank to help gill function as the high ammonia reading will make them sore.

I figured I added too many fish at one time since the levels have not yet changed. No, I don't have a nitrate/nitrite reading kit, and yes, I can move the shrimp as well. So as of now, I should keep treating the water and let time run its course?

If they look pale and stressed with clamp fins and laboured breathing an immediate water change.
Small water changes are best as big water changes stress fish out, and it takes longer for the tank to cycle.
I would buy a liquid test kit in nitrite and nitrate.
Good luck.
Add one tablespoon of salt once the strimp is out of the tank.
Add the salt in a jug of tank water, stir till it disolves then add to the tank.
If they look pale and stressed with clamp fins and laboured breathing an immediate water change.
Small water changes are best as big water changes stress fish out, and it takes longer for the tank to cycle.
I would buy a liquid test kit in nitrite and nitrate.
Good luck.
Add one tablespoon of salt once the strimp is out of the tank.
Add the salt in a jug of tank water, stir till it disolves then add to the tank.

Thanks for the advice. I just performed a 25% water change and I will re-test the ammonia levels tomorrow. Once the new tank arrives, I will move the Shrimp and the Gouramis and add a tablespoon of salt as recommended. How long does cycling usually last? I thought a week or so was more than enough, but I guess I was misinformed.


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