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  1. billy0510

    How Many People Live In The U.s.

    Ottawa, Illinois checking in.
  2. billy0510

    African Or South American?

    I personally would go with a South American biotype. I presently have one with drift wood and plants my old setup was African cichlids with lots of rocks. I did love my Africans but it was time for a change and i do love the tetras shoaling together.
  3. billy0510


    i do like the look of real plants i have tried some here and there but so far have not really done a whole lot with real plants. But as for fake plants i have tried and bought many different brands to see which are the best??? Still have no idea lol!!! I do like Hagen Marina plants the...
  4. billy0510

    How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

    33 I Hope havent beenhome in three days :unsure: Running total: 9069
  5. billy0510

    Funny Lfs Stories!?!?

    i think ineed to move to the UK seems to be more educated employees then customers. All i want is to have a employee seem to know whats going on at some of these shops. :huh:
  6. billy0510

    Cycling Confusion

    sorry ive talk to a few of my fish buddies and they r just as lost as i am. Sorry and good luck
  7. billy0510

    New 75 Gallon

    Ive had cichlid in my tank in the past and now trying my first large community. (in my signature) I have a little ways to go but so far i like it almost as much as my cichlid tanks, well see when i get it fully stocked but so far very happy.
  8. billy0510

    Thinking Of Upgrading To A Bigger Tank

    changing your substrate will not effect you beneficial bacteria much most of it is in your filter. You can also run your new filter in you old tank for a while to get your bio load into your new filter all while your setting up your new tank. Depends on your situation if the tanks going in the...
  9. billy0510

    How Do You Top Up Your Tank?

    i use a garden hose attached to my sink. I know roughly how much water i will be adding and ad the dechlorinator (from a gallon jug pre mixed with water) little by little as the tank fills up. I did the bucket thing for a while, screw that this way is much easier. If your ph is the same i...
  10. billy0510

    I So Want This In My Room

    id rather have a 1000 gal tank for that much money.
  11. billy0510

    Funny Lfs Stories!?!?

    i love the stories nothing beats a good lfs story. I love trying to explain cycling to a person who still believes that tap water needs to sit out for a week before it can be put into your tank. All i have to say is that i feel sorry for all the fish that are destined to unfair death. The only...
  12. billy0510

    Funny Lfs Stories!?!?

    I do have some really good fish stores with some really educated employees its just those moments when u get the new employee or hear the uneducated customer that blow me away.
  13. billy0510

    Dirt As A Substrate

    Loam is just a classification of soil. Its a soil with an even concentrate of silt, sand, and clay. like a clay loam will have more clay but good amount of the others a silty clay loam will have more clay and silt then sand and so on. Most potting soil is manufactured soil, a sandy loam...
  14. billy0510

    Need Help Getting Algae

    or drive to my house i can give u more than your ottos can handle :crazy:
  15. billy0510

    Funny Lfs Stories!?!?

    I would love to have some good educated lfs employee around here i drive about 30-40 minutes away to get a good lfs with good employees. I guess customers can be just as bad.
  16. billy0510

    Shoalin! Shoalin!

    Yea i was hoping to add a few more and just was wondering on which ones. Thanks
  17. billy0510

    Funny Lfs Stories!?!?

    What the funniest or most stupid thing you have heard from a fish store employee. My most recent: I was at one of my fish stops (i have many) and was talking to an uneducated employee, I was looking at a Sturisoma panamense (Royal Farlowella) and he informed me that it would out grow my 125...
  18. billy0510

    Dirt As A Substrate

    potting soil is dirt except in a pot :D :rofl:
  19. billy0510

    Shoalin! Shoalin!

    will most species of Corie's shoal together or will they stick with there own kind?? I want to add some more Corie's but didnt know if i should stick with pandas or go with something else?
  20. billy0510

    What An Idiot

    im glad i read this post did a water change in my 20 gal a few hours ago and just realized i didnt plug my heater back in :unsure: thanks
  21. billy0510

    Guess Who Passed Their Exams!

    Congratulations! :good: :good: have a celebration drink for me :blink:
  22. billy0510

    Need Some Advice

    Doing the calculations it appears you have a 13.5 Gal ???? Anyways if u use the inch per gallon rule with your 20 cardinals you would have 40 inches. First of all thats to many fish for your tank and second u really need to understand what cycling a tank does. Cardinals are not the most...
  23. billy0510

    Dead Ram Diagnosis

    The fish was dead before it was flushed and im not sure if it had banged its head or not.
  24. billy0510

    Dead Ram Diagnosis

    well i have been reading posts and believe she had mouth rot?? still unsure because i didn't notice to much fungus it just looked swollen. Anyways anyone know were or what mouth rot comes from?
  25. billy0510

    Dead Ram Diagnosis

    I had two gold rams i female and one male. Yesterday morning i awoke before work and was going to give my morning feeding when i realized my female ram had swollen lips??? and she was hanging out near the top of The tank(shes never up there. i proceeded to feed the fish a little dropping of...
  26. billy0510

    Drift Wood White Spots

    :shout: I hope its nothing but need to ask!?!?! I have mopani drift wood in my tank and there seems to be little white spots on almost all the wood?It doesn't totally cover the wood just here and there. My fish look and act healthy as ever, water stats look great, and no new fish added...
  27. billy0510

    Angels Or Rams

    I wouldnt personally put angels in a 20 gal they get pretty tall and like swimming room. A few blue rams would be nice in your tank.
  28. billy0510

    New Tank List/questions

    hey dark side i am in the process of setting up a south American bio type also. Your list looks good there are a ton of smaller plecos for your tank. Some dint do much for algae so if thats what your looking for u might want to look into shrimp. How about a pair or two of dwarf cichlids...
  29. billy0510

    My First Large Tank

    hey krazzy just my opinion but i think your getting a little bit of the wrong advice. First of all the amount of fish you have listed seems to be to much for my 125 gallon tank let alone your 75. If you keep the inch per gallon rule 4 Knife fish are already at 48" Depending on the loach...
  30. billy0510

    Chichlid Tank Suggestions

    I have had a African cichlid tank for years and now I'm trying out a community with some dwarf chiclid, rams, apostasy, etc. I loved my African chiclids but it was a time for change. Ill tell u what for the few rams i now have they r just as fun as the big guys cant wait till i get some...
  31. billy0510


    i have had similar circumstances with crabs. they actually climbed out of my tank and my dog had a crab snack!!! the only crabs i want is when i go to red lobster and have all u can eat crab legs mmmmmmmm good
  32. billy0510

    How Does The Water Look

    just wanted to saythat u will recieve some great advice on this site just follow the steps given and keep us informed. I love new fish keeper the more the better. :good: :good:
  33. billy0510


    great topic and great post. Even though i had to read it twice to understand it lol i personally use de chlor during my fill up. since i change about 12-15 gallons a week its much easier i just mix my de-chlor in a gallon jug and as my tank fills up i add little by little.
  34. billy0510

    To What Age Do Fish Live?

    I have a green severum i personally have had for 5 years and the previous owner had it for7 so its atleast 12 or so. ive had cichlids live for 5-7 years. now im experimenting with community tank so will see what happens.
  35. billy0510

    Cucumber Question?

    if its more of a green cloudiness could be an algae bloom this is totally fine. Sounds like if you only 2 or so weeks into cycling probable a bacterial bloom. This just happens when urbacteria is(what u want ) developing. Whats r perameters
  36. billy0510

    Should I Buy This Tank?

    hey there I'm glad your really looking into getting a bigger tank, you wont regret it. as for painting the frame?? I'm sure you can i don't see why u couldn't paint the frame, i would try to use a spray paint (no brush marks)on the frame after taping up everything u don't want painted. I...
  37. billy0510

    How Do You Sell Your Fish?

    My cichlids that i had in my last setup would breed like rabbits. I tried selling to many of the lfs in the area with almost no luck, some would give me credit and or fish trade. So instead of all the hassle i left my fry develop in my main tank for little snacks for the other cichlids. Once...
  38. billy0510

    Best Light For Color

    I think mine r towards the lowerend of the K rating, i still have the lights that came with my hood they r pretty much a redish hue.
  39. billy0510

    Best Light For Color

    well i keep a well variety diet and change water religiously many of my fish are young so i know most of there colors will start to come out. I was just wondering if there were better lighting than others.
  40. billy0510

    Best Light For Color

    I was wondering what is the best light (in kelvin temp)to show off the fish color?? Im not worried about lighting for plants just want my fish color to pop out more. Any ideas???