Chichlid Tank Suggestions


New Member
Feb 6, 2008
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Well. I am not really new to keeping fish as this is my 3rd tank. I have a 55 gallon and was wanting to turn it into a small chichlid tank. I am in the process of cycling it right now, I have sand and rocks i boiled and pieces of granite i found near a river in there too. I was wondering, I want to keep a couple small chichlids in there and was wanting to know, Will 2 Magnum 350 canister filters be enough to filter for them. I want crystal clear water like some of the tanks on here and was wondering will this provide that. Also, in a 55 gallon which small ones could i keep in there together.
I have had a African cichlid tank for years and now I'm trying out a community with some dwarf chiclid, rams, apostasy, etc. I loved my African chiclids but it was a time for change. Ill tell u what for the few rams i now have they r just as fun as the big guys cant wait till i get some apistos to join my rams.
They r smaller with the same little attitudes.

I believe your 350 is rated for 100 gal a piece so yes i believe that would be over kill but more the merrier. I like to at least double my filtration.
Filters will help with crystal clear water but what u put in your tank also effects the water,don't over feed, Weekly WC, how often one vacuums ur gravel, Algae control, i can go on so just because you have great filtration doesn't grantee clear water.

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