Dead Ram Diagnosis


Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2007
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ottawa illinois
I had two gold rams i female and one male. Yesterday morning i awoke before work and was going to give my morning feeding when i realized my female ram had swollen lips??? and she was hanging out near the top of The tank(shes never up there. i proceeded to feed the fish a little dropping of food and she just swam around not eating(she usually goes crazy when feeding). So i took here out put her in my 20 gal quarantine tank with 5 zebra danios. She stayed in the same shape until this morning when she was barley swimming so she meet the porcelain god. All my other fish are doing fine water stats good no sudden temp change. Any help would be great. I would like to try to diagnose the problem for educational reasons.
well i have been reading posts and believe she had mouth rot?? still unsure because i didn't notice to much fungus it just looked swollen. Anyways anyone know were or what mouth rot comes from?
ram's are very very very very sensitive to water quality, in much the same was as discus are. The disease you saw is most likely due to the immune system of the ram being depressed and opportunistic bacteria coming along and wreaking havok.

PS, don't flush live fish. Make sure they are dead first. There are many discussions on this forum about euthanizing fish.
Has she banged her mouth on something in the tank.

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