Best Light For Color


Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2007
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ottawa illinois
I was wondering what is the best light (in kelvin temp)to show off the fish color?? Im not worried about lighting for plants just want my fish color to pop out more. Any ideas???
Good diet and plenty of swimming space :) keep it varied and you'll see results :p amazing lights wont show up dull fish :) (Not insinuating your fish are unhappy etc, just a general rule of thumb that healthy fish shine :p)
well i keep a well variety diet and change water religiously many of my fish are young so i know most of there colors will start to come out. I was just wondering if there were better lighting than others.
14k K and upwards I would think ie towards the blue end of the spectrum. This appears to make marines look better, also the bluer the light the more active your nocturnal species.
I think mine r towards the lowerend of the K rating, i still have the lights that came with my hood they r pretty much a redish hue.
as above with the blue lights. They are usually 20,000K. This will bring out blue colours well and go for a 4000K for more red coloured fish. Actinics are the 20,000 and grolux are the 4500K.
These globes can make the water look different too.
A dark substrate and background can make a lot of difference too, as can plants.

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