New 75 Gallon


Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2008
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I'm getting a 75 gallon tank from a friend and i'm just not sure what I should put in it. In my 12 gallon I have 2 otocinclus, 3 corydoras, 1 swordtail, 1 balloon molly, and 2 fancy guppies. All these would go into it. What would you guys get if you had a 75 gallon (4ft) tank?
I would turn it into an african cichlid tank, mbuna setup, but thats just me!!!!!
I don't think I want cichlids I want a community tank that my current fish can be transferred to.
Get a nice little shoal (12+) of some sort of Rasbora. Black harlequin's strike me as best looking. Rasbora heteromorpha With idk, whatever other boring community fish your LFS sells.
community fish don't have to be boring... :huh: lots of different shoals of fish look awesome in a large tank. I would do cichlids but I want my current fish to be happy in a nice large tank. I'm sure I can find interesting fish to put in there.
Some dwarf cichlids are community safe. Some larger ones like severums probably are too.
Here are my stocking plans
1 dwarf gourami
5 balloon mollys
1 swordtail
5 otos
3 bronze cory
3 albino cory
3 spotted cory
3 of some other type of cory
2 mystery snails
4 platy fry
2 angelfish
5 khuli loaches
2 german blue rams
10 harliquin rasboras
3 african dwarf frogs
1 or 2 bristlenose plecos If I can find them
I wouldnt put dwarf frogs in a tank that big they do have to come up for water all the time unless its a shallow 75 gal. if they get to tired they will die.
Ive had cichlid in my tank in the past and now trying my first large community. (in my signature) I have a little ways to go but so far i like it almost as much as my cichlid tanks, well see when i get it fully stocked but so far very happy.
ADFs can tolerate an 18 inch tall tank and I believe thats what this one is. If they can't stand it then I will keep them in my 12 gallon tank.

ADFs can tolerate an 18 inch tall tank and I believe thats what this one is. If they can't stand it then I will keep them in my 12 gallon tank.

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