Need Help Getting Algae


Fish Addict
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
Mid-east Missouri
Most people ask for help to get rid of algae...I can't seem to grow enough of the stuff.

I feel as if I need to grow more algae for all of my otos to feed on. However, I don't know how to get the stuff to grow...Other than direct sunlight, is there any ways I can get the stuff to grow so my otos have something to eat? I do supplement their diet with blanched cucumber, zucchini, and lettuce; I just want to give them more algae to munch on.

Any suggestions?
It might be easier and less costly to just get them algae wafers.

How would driving a 100mile round trip to my nearest fish store to pay 3bucks for a bag of algae wafers be cheaper than finding some way to encourage algae growth in my tank...for free.

As I said... I already supplement their diet with blanched vegetable and algae wafers... I just would like to find a way to encourage algae growth in my tanks.
You could get some rocks and put them in jars in the sun and voila! Algae!

Just get a few and rotate when the algae is gone. :good:
You can try putting rocks or wood in sunlight in the window but i've heard of people trying to grow algae for their otos before, and from what i've heard it usually doesnt work out so well.
I think you have to trust that they are continually eating any algae thats growing + they must love the zuchini etc.

The only real plausible way of getting fresh algae for otos IMO is switching rocks or something from other tanks (Friends or if you have multiple)
If you do find a way to grow algae that works out well, be sure to let us know =)
Do less water changes, make sure you don't have any live plants in there, they prevent algae

Algae wafers are good. They feed the fish and release bacteria into the water which will promote algae growth. Also porus rocks are great just put em in a jar and let the algae come. Put the rocks in the tank.
Most people ask for help to get rid of algae...I can't seem to grow enough of the stuff.

I feel as if I need to grow more algae for all of my otos to feed on. However, I don't know how to get the stuff to grow...Other than direct sunlight, is there any ways I can get the stuff to grow so my otos have something to eat? I do supplement their diet with blanched cucumber, zucchini, and lettuce; I just want to give them more algae to munch on.

Any suggestions?

add a plant tube to your lighting system, and give it as much natural light as you can. then come back to see how to get rid of the stuff! lol.
add a plant tube to your lighting system, and give it as much natural light as you can. then come back to see how to get rid of the stuff! lol.

LOL :rofl:
One idea i have seen is putting an empty glass jar in a window so it gets lots of sunlight and filling the jar with tank water and plant fertiliser.

Give it a few weeks and the jar should be full of algae. Then you put the whole jar into the tank. Hopefully the Ottos will swim in there to eat the algae.

Obviously you need to make sure the jar is big enough for them to turn around it so they don't get stuck inside!
If you fill a jar with tankwater at every waterchange, place that jar on a windowsill, leave in some rocks, and NEVER change the water, only ADD water from the tank, it will become very filled with algae.
add a plant tube to your lighting system, and give it as much natural light as you can. then come back to see how to get rid of the stuff! lol.

I know how to get rid of it...Add more otos ;)

Seems like the jar idea is the most wide-spread method people are using. I'll give that a shot! Though, about how much rock should I put in there...I'm guessing about an inch or two...or would this be too much? Or does it not even matter?

Thanks for all the help people !
i have an unheated tank 10g that receives no direct daylight, though it receives plenty of daylight. it has a plant growth type tube, and its only the 90% weekly water changes that keep the stuff in control. if you have a friend who has some deccor from a mature tank, it may help.

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