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  1. G

    Puting Gouramis And A Black Shark Together

    I think black sharks are better suited with large cichlids. Ive got mine with a full grown red devil, a jack, a lerperinus and a bunch of africans.
  2. G

    Can Anything Be Kept With Piranhas?

    No not thinking about buying them, question is just one out of pure curosity:)
  3. G

    Can Anything Be Kept With Piranhas?

    Red Devils? Leperinus? Anything?
  4. G

    Red Tail Shark Vs. Black Ghost!

    Any chance you could start another tank? Put him in there with cichlids? RTS do make great tankmates for cichlids.
  5. G

    Red Tail Shark Vs. Black Ghost!

    Your RTS is gonna win that fight.
  6. G


    Its been awhile, good to see ya!:) Still have the same cast of characters Black Shark ( he is an absolute beast now) Red Devil Red Tail Black Shark Jack Dempsey Electric yellow cichlid Electric Blue Cichlid Green Severum Cobalt Blue cichlid Jewel cichlid Leparinus CAE
  7. G


    I keep my RTBS with cichlids, its a very good combination.
  8. G

    What Is The Pecking Order Like In Your Tank?

    1. Tied for first, Black Shark and red devil-They are beasts 3.Red Tail Black Shark-clearly dominated by the black shark and red devil he still bullys the jack the blue's and the jewel 4.Jack Dempsey-tough guy but still afraid of the smaller red tail black shark 5.Yellow Lab-Large for a lab...
  9. G

    Compatibility With A Black Shark Is There Any Fish?

    No doubt your shark will dominate the dempsey but I think they will make good tankmates:)
  10. G

    Compatibility With A Black Shark Is There Any Fish?

    Not really, If you try to put non agressive fish in the same tank as a black shark you can almost guarentee yourself a killfest.
  11. G

    Severum Pics Wanted

    Here are 2 pics of my green severum who everyone ridiculed me about keeping with a red devil and a black shark, a couple of know it alls on this site promised the severum would be dead shortly. Here he is, these are my most recent pics, he is still living peacefully with the devil, the shark...
  12. G

    Compatibility With A Black Shark Is There Any Fish?

    Large cichlids, Ive got a Red Devil, a Jack Dempsey, and other like tempered cichlids in with my black shark. Large agressive cichlids are your best bet with a black shark.
  13. G

    Severum, Jack Dempsey, Firemouths

    I also have a full grown red devil and he never bothers the severum.
  14. G

    Severum, Jack Dempsey, Firemouths

    Never had a firemouth but I do have a full grown dempsey and green severum, and they get along fine.
  15. G

    Oscars With Angels

    I dont think Oscars are that bad guys, my red devil hammerd the crap out of my oscar so bad he had to be removed and put in isolation untill he healed And I gave it one more shot, same result. I wouldnt even hardly call it a fight, the oscar tried to fight back but all the damage was completly...
  16. G

    Best Filtration Are Not Canisters But....

    What a load of crap. Cannisters are the best filters hands down.If you have a problem cleaning them you must be doing it wrong because it isnt hard.
  17. G

    Tger Barbs And Red Tail Sharks

    The Red Tail is alot tougher than the barbs, as long as you have a group of barbs you should be ok.
  18. G

    Gt's And Flowerhorns

    Well I think alot just depends on personalities and with cichlids personalities vary widely. For example, Ive tried to introduce a green terror into my community, the Green terror was killed so quick I wasnt able to pull him out in time. Im pretty sure it was a collabritive effort between the...
  19. G

    130 Gallon Stocking Help

    When I saw the topic I was gonna say Red Devil or Black Shark but after I saw you already had an oscar, both of those fish would probably kill it:(
  20. G

    Gt's And Flowerhorns

    This is very bad advice, I have a green severum in with a Red Devil whose agression is basically the same as a flowerhorn, A black Shark who because of its size can be more dangerous than nearly any cichlid, and a Jack Dempsey, they have been living togeather for years just fine. Cichlids are...
  21. G

    What Would You Have?

    You are entitled to your own opinion. I feel sorry for people who only experience fishkeeping by the book as you will never be able to experience the variety of those willing to push the envelope. You can tell me im clueless till you are blue in the face but my community works, it has for many...
  22. G

    What Fish To Get

    Seeing as I live in the states that would make sense lol
  23. G

    Best Oscar Tank Mates?

    Im curious, how can you tell the RTBS is female? Is it the larger chest cavity? Also its pretty amazing, the black shark has already outgrown the RTBS by a signifigant amount in just about 2 months, whatan amazing fish! Also, can you tell if the severum is a male or a female? Oh and thanx for...
  24. G

    What Would You Have?

    Sure, my rtbs is full grown about 5 inches, I posted pics in the oscar thread:)
  25. G

    Best Oscar Tank Mates?

    Yeah let me post a few pics, dont have a good one of the RD, he moves around too much:) All my fish are pictured here except the CAE and Electric Blue cichlid, sorry if some of the pics are dated but the fish are already enjoying twilight time tonight an I dont want to turn the main lights back...
  26. G

    What Fish To Get

    lol absolutly no doubt about it:)
  27. G

    What Fish To Get

    Oh I definantly agree, Im just not familiar with the litres to gallons conversion numbers, I thought his tank was bigger than that:)
  28. G

    Best Oscar Tank Mates?

    Im fortunate enough that Ive got a friend with 7 tanks so if something dosent work out in my tank, he always has a home for my guys:) Ive got a pretty diverse cast of fish in there togeather, the devil just decided he didnt like the oscar I guess, and Id never let a fish get beaten to death...
  29. G


    I still think a green or gold severum would be great in there.
  30. G

    What Would You Have?

    You are right and wrong about chinese algie eaters. You are correct, they are agressive hence its a bad idea to put them with non agressive fish. You are wrong though about their level of agression. If you put them in with other fish who are naturally more agressive than they are (Cichlids, Red...
  31. G

    What Would You Have?

    Right now mine is about 9 or 10 inches. Also I dont think that tank is too small if he only put 1 red devil in it by himself. Just my opinion though.
  32. G

    What Would You Have?

    Devils RARLY get to 16 inches, and mine does fine with my chinese algie eater.
  33. G

    What Would You Have?

    A plec would be ok but I dont like em, way too messy and I dont think they really eat alot of algie either. Personally I like chinese algie eaters, they work well with cichlids, they are not nearly as messy as a plec and they are more active during the day. A red Tail Shark would be fine with...
  34. G


    Red Devils and Green Severums.
  35. G

    Best Oscar Tank Mates?

    With some exceptions, I had to get rid of my oscar because my red devil was shreading him. I tried to heal him up in the isolation tank and reintroduce him a few times with the same results. I finally gave him to a friend before the devil killed him.
  36. G

    What Fish To Get

    Get a Black Shark to go with the cichlids, with a max size of 22 inches, they look spectacular in large tanks. AND, there isnt a cichlid around that can bully a large black shark:) That is if 240 litres is big enough. Not familiar with litres only gallons:)
  37. G

    What Would You Have?

    Well if you want just one cichlid to be the centerpiece of that tank, Id get a Red Devil. Large, spectacular cichlid:) They are very personable too, mine seems to love me, he gets excited every time I walk by the tank, its pretty neat:)
  38. G

    Albino Rainbow Shark

    Move him to a more agressive tank, my rtbs is in a tank with red devils and jack dempseys and he does just fine.
  39. G

    Shark And Barb Fghting. Plz Help.

    My guess is that the shark will eventually kill the barbs, the bigger rtbs get the more agressive they get. Ive got a RTBS and a Black Shark in a large cichlid tank, the rtbs routinely targets the smaller cichlids while the black shark ive noticed lately as he grows and grows and grows is...
  40. G

    Crappie Compatable With Cichlids?

    Just curious, a guy on another forum I visit is attempting it, I was just wondering if anyone here knew anything about their compatability?