What Fish To Get


Fish Herder
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Hey im either getting a trigon 190 or rio 180 or 240.If i get a rio 240 then ill get an oscar.If i get a 180 or trigon 190 i will get as big cichlids as i can can anyone help me and how many i could have?
Hmm i would worry if the oscar outgrew that tank.Anywho you could have firemouths,blue acaras rams, whatever you feel like!
Then I would get the 240 and you could only add small cichlids. Nothing over 7".

An oscar theorecticly deserves to live in a 75G as a single and 100G for 2. But the 240G is a 63 G. It can be done but other fish may not be tolerated.
Get a Black Shark to go with the cichlids, with a max size of 22 inches, they look spectacular in large tanks. AND, there isnt a cichlid around that can bully a large black shark:) That is if 240 litres is big enough. Not familiar with litres only gallons:)
240 Litres is 63.5 Gallons. A tank suited only for small cichlids and I would hate to put a full grown black shark in there let along one that is 1 foot in length.

Oh I definantly agree, Im just not familiar with the litres to gallons conversion numbers, I thought his tank was bigger than that:)
ive decided to go for the 190litre corner due to hardly any room.Would a jack dempsey be o with a plec or aalbino red tailed black shark.This is when the dempsey is small though.I would take the shark out.

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