What Would You Have?


Fish Herder
Nov 27, 2006
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Hi,My question is what cichlid/s would you have in a trigon 190 /41-44 uk galons. Can my african/malawi/american.Thanks!
Well if you want just one cichlid to be the centerpiece of that tank, Id get a Red Devil. Large, spectacular cichlid:) They are very personable too, mine seems to love me, he gets excited every time I walk by the tank, its pretty neat:)
A plec would be ok but I dont like em, way too messy and I dont think they really eat alot of algie either. Personally I like chinese algie eaters, they work well with cichlids, they are not nearly as messy as a plec and they are more active during the day. A red Tail Shark would be fine with the devil, or other cichlids of similar temperment.
it says in fish index red devils can get to 16inch.The tank is only 41g (uk).Red devils are realy aggressive to and would probably eat the chinese algea eaters.
Devils RARLY get to 16 inches, and mine does fine with my chinese algie eater.
Devils RARLY get to 16 inches, and mine does fine with my chinese algie eater.

How big is your Red Devil?

RD's often get to 14" and a 50g(41g UK) tank is too small IMO. They should be in no-less then a 75g tank.
Devils RARLY get to 16 inches, and mine does fine with my chinese algie eater.

How big is your Red Devil?

RD's often get to 14" and a 50g(41g UK) tank is too small IMO. They should be in no-less then a 75g tank.

Right now mine is about 9 or 10 inches. Also I dont think that tank is too small if he only put 1 red devil in it by himself. Just my opinion though.
Chinese algae eaters are the worst algae eaters available. The eat other fishs sides and once they taste flakes and meaty foods, they dislike the taste of algae so discontinue doing so. Mean fish.

A Trigon 190 is a 50 US Gallon or a 42 UK Gallon. I would get a cichlid that maxs out at 10".

Red Devils can easily get to 16" and woop any fish.

Plecs are excellent fish, although just about as messy as cichlids, but if you do regular water changes they shouldnt be a problem. Plus plecs can withstand the torment from a cichlid as they have stabbers on thier heads and ar armoured. CAE only have agression as thier defence.
Chinese algae eaters are the worst algae eaters available. The eat other fishs sides and once they taste flakes and meaty foods, they dislike the taste of algae so discontinue doing so. Mean fish.

A Trigon 190 is a 50 US Gallon or a 42 UK Gallon. I would get a cichlid that maxs out at 10".

Red Devils can easily get to 16" and woop any fish.

Plecs are excellent fish, although just about as messy as cichlids, but if you do regular water changes they shouldnt be a problem. Plus plecs can withstand the torment from a cichlid as they have stabbers on thier heads and ar armoured. CAE only have agression as thier defence.

You are right and wrong about chinese algie eaters. You are correct, they are agressive hence its a bad idea to put them with non agressive fish. You are wrong though about their level of agression. If you put them in with other fish who are naturally more agressive than they are (Cichlids, Red Tail Sharks) they are kept in check and work very well. My CAE has never once gone after ANY cichlid in my tank, and likewise they just ignore him. My Red Tail Shark chases the CAE all over the place as well not the other way around. A CAE is perfect for an agressive tank and like I said, they are much more active during daylight hours than plecs are.
Yes your right. But Red Tail Black sharks have a small underslung mouth so they cant possibly hurt any fish, they just chase them, particually at feeding time. My RTBS did this untill I pushed him away at feeding time when he came up to my hand. I did this for 2 weeks and he's never done it since.

Yes CAE are good for agressive tanks, although plecos are too. Though I'd only put commons, bristlenose and sailfins in as you'd hate to loose at $100 Zebra plec.

P.S How big is your RTBS and can you please post an image? Thanks
Yes your right. But Red Tail Black sharks have a small underslung mouth so they cant possibly hurt any fish, they just chase them, particually at feeding time. My RTBS did this untill I pushed him away at feeding time when he came up to my hand. I did this for 2 weeks and he's never done it since.

Yes CAE are good for agressive tanks, although plecos are too. Though I'd only put commons, bristlenose and sailfins in as you'd hate to loose at $100 Zebra plec.

P.S How big is your RTBS and can you please post an image? Thanks

Sure, my rtbs is full grown about 5 inches, I posted pics in the oscar thread:)
The thing is garbage you dont have much of a clue about keeping fish. I have just gone over all topics started by you and your not to clued up. Your in here posting to someone that he can keep a highly aggressive red devil in a 4ft tank with other bits this just aint gonna work. and also your keeping mbuna and new world cichlids together which shouldnt be done either.

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