Search results

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    Spotted Primo Catfish?

    Thank you CFC, I will have to check out those catfish you just mentioned. I am just looking for fish that would help clean uneaten food up the Oscar leaves behind but i know this couldn't be that fishes only diet. Again, i appreciate your help. Hopefully i can find good info on the Synodontis...
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    Spotted Primo Catfish?

    Thanks for your input. I figured that maybe these catfish would scavenge the pellet remains that gets tossed out during chewing. I will keep looking then. Any suggestions? Thanks again Mike
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    Spotted Primo Catfish?

    Thanks CFC. It is the Peruvian strain of the Pimelodus Pictus. Could a trio of these catfish grow up with a young oscar who is roughly 2.5" long, and a pr of young parrots and be okay? I am looking for a fish that will clean up after these fishes poor eating habits. Thanks again, Mike
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    Spotted Primo Catfish?

    Hi everyone, Has anyone heard of these catfish? If so, where can i find out information on keeping this catfish? My lfs has them so i came home to do research on them but can't find anything. I wonder if thats the correct name for them. They are silver with black spots and have really long...
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    Parrot Fish Attack Me!

    You are right. I just spotted a little cluster of eggs in a fake tree stump i have in there. I can't believe as shy as they are when i approach the tank( these fish get crazy scared darting around and hiding) that they are brave enough to attack my hand. Thanks for the input, Mike
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    Parrot Fish Attack Me!

    Hi everyone, I have two new blood parrots. They are very shy when i walk into the room. However, when i do tank maintenance, they bite me and my gravel vac constantly. Is this normal behavior? I hope when they get full grown they wont take a chunk of my hand :hyper: Mike
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    Red Tail Shark Instead Of A Catfish

    Hi guys, Could a descent sized red tail shark do fine with 2 small 2-3" Oscars? I want a fish to help clean up food particles from these messy eaters. They are kept in a fairly large tank. 135 gallon. Thanks for the advice, Mike
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    New To Keeping Oscars Need Suggestions

    Yeah, i was thinking about a catfish of some sort. What is eartheaters? Never heard of those. Thanks, Mike
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    New To Keeping Oscars Need Suggestions

    Hi everyone, I have recently bought two albino tiger Oscars for my 135 gallon. They are 3 to 4 inches long at the moment. I noticed that when they eat, they grind up the food in their mouths and lots of tiny food particles come out of their gills only to sink to the bottom uneaten. I would...
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    Aquarium Vac With 50ft Hose (problem)

    Hey John, Nice to hear from you. Thanks for the suggestion. I will give it a try. The hose needs cleaned thats for sure. Thanks, Mike
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    Aquarium Vac With 50ft Hose (problem)

    Yeah i do that but i'm thinking the few drops of water remaining is letting something grow in there. Thanks for the suggestion though
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    Aquarium Vac With 50ft Hose (problem)

    Hi everyone, My tank has been set up now for almost a year. When i set this tank up, i bought an aquarium vac very similar to the python one. I do weekly water changes using this. When i'm done doing the tank maintenace, i drain the water out of the hose and store the hose in a basement...
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    Huge 900g Tank Project

    Great looking tank CFC What all do you feed those big fish? I'd like to see a feeding video sometime if that would be possible. Enjoy your new tank !! :good:
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    Medicine Compatibility

    Hi Wilder, Thanks for your help. 3 weeks ago i put 4 oz of coppersafe which is the dosage needed for my tank. 2 weeks after that i did a 30% water change (normally i do a weekly 30%)and added roughly 1.5 oz more coppersafe because i read that you should add more per water change.. Supposedly...
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    Medicine Compatibility

    Hi everyone, I believe that my tank recently had an parasite infestation. My fish were rubbing and darting off objects. I treated the tank with mardel coppersafe. Since then i think the parasites has been removed or reduced. However, some fish seem to have skin problems like it could be a...
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    Hungry Stingrays

    Hi there Cane, Nice tank and fish. If you would, i'd love to see a video like this one but during the actual feeding time. Thanks, Mike
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    I Need A Strictly Algae Eating Fish

    I had some brown algae growing at a rapid pace. I bought a clown pleco and i have seen the amount of algae reduce. :good:
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    Huge 900g Tank Project

    The tank is mainly to provide adequate swimming room for my ever growing 27" silver arowana and 24" Liearus pictus which both dwarf my 200g tank now, it will also house a few rays, some peacock bass, other cats and various oddballs. Excellent stocking choices. That tank sounds like it will be...
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    Water Changes

    Yes, I make sure the water being added is within a degree of their normal temp and i add start right water conditioner prior to adding the water. Mike
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    Water Changes

    Hi everyone, I have a 135 gallon stocked with mostly angelfish and tetras. I gravel vac and change out 25 to 30% of the water weekly. I have had my fish for over 6 monthes and all of them are very healthy. The water parameters are in check. When i add the new water, the fish seem to breath...
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    Fin Nipping Glowlight Tetras

    pounds sterling??????? :crazy: 1.5" head to tail or 4cm or 400mm or 1.5" diameter :hyper: :good:
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    Fin Nipping Glowlight Tetras

    My angels have between a quarter to fifty cent sized bodies right now.
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    Fin Nipping Glowlight Tetras

    Hi guys, I keep a large school of 13 adult glowlights with my 12 medium sized angelfish. Just recently, i noticed that my glowlights have started picking on the angelfish nipping at their fins. I thought these guys were friendly. Is this something that these tetras are known for and can i...
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    I'd Like To See Members Koi Angelfish Pictures

    Johnny t, Very nice fish and the well planted tank looks great from what i can see. Thanks for the pic, Mike
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    I'd Like To See Members Koi Angelfish Pictures

    GUPPYMAN, Very nice angels. :good:
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    Proper Angelfish Raising

    Tolak, Thank you for such detailed advice. I do currently feed occassional live blackworms and angelsplus did send me some color flake with my last order of fish. I'd love to be able to crank up the temps but i think the tank mates will have a hard time. Their tank mates are sterbia corys...
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    Amquel Plus

    Thank you!! :rolleyes:
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    Amquel Plus

    Hi Guys, I use amquel plus to treat the water that newly arrived fish comes in as a first step before my acclimation process begins. This removes any ammonia build up. I have had this bottle for about 5 monthes. When i opened it to use it has a strong odor to it that i haven't noticed before...
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    Proper Angelfish Raising

    Is the very low nitrates the key to having great coloring and or growth rate? I currently do a once a week gravel vac that includes a 25% to 30% water change which generally keeps the nitrates down to 20-30ppm. Thanks, Mike
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    Proper Angelfish Raising

    These are 12 small angelfish in a 135 gallon tank. Thanks Mike
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    Proper Angelfish Raising

    Hi Guys, I was wondering what is the best way to grow out juvenile angelfish? They already have between a nickel and quarter sized bodies. I would like them to grow very large and have great coloring. What ways can acheive this the best and in the shortest amount of time. Diets and...
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    I'd Like To See Members Koi Angelfish Pictures

    Nix and lilfishie, Thanks for the suggestions. I am a slow learner when it comes to digital cameras and computers. Everything you guys talked about might be easy to do once i learn it and understand it. Unfortunately, i have to self teach and walk myself through everything :crazy: . Lots of...
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    I'd Like To See Members Koi Angelfish Pictures

    Tolak, Crossfc, and Gill, Very nice fish !!!! :good: I got to learn this picture thing and gets some of mine on this thread. Thanks for the pictures Mike
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    I'd Like To See Members Koi Angelfish Pictures

    Very nice Glendale15. Thanks :good:
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    I'd Like To See Members Koi Angelfish Pictures

    Thanks guppyman. Looking forward to seeing them :good:
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    I'd Like To See Members Koi Angelfish Pictures

    Very nice Nelly. I like the black angelfish in your picture also. I can't wait till mine gets bigger. Hopefully, i will get some more pictures to see. Thanks for the response Nelly :good:
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    I'd Like To See Members Koi Angelfish Pictures

    Hi everyone, I am in the process of stocking a 135 gallon tank with high quality koi angelfish. I'd love to see some pictures of mature koi angelfish. They are so awesome and i just love their markings and bright colors. Thanks, Mike I will supply pictures of mine once i learn how to. :blush...
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    Angelfish Bloated And Eyes Bulging

    Thank you for your help Wilder. Greatly appreciated, Mike
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    Angelfish Bloated And Eyes Bulging

    What causes this? Will it spread to my others? Thanks Mike
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    Angelfish Bloated And Eyes Bulging

    Hi, I have a small angelfish that just recently developed an bloated belly and its eyes appear to be bulging. Yesterday, I just started feeding my fish live blackworms and brine shrimp to add to their already varied diet. Could this fish have ate too much and is constipated? The eye thing is...