I'd Like To See Members Koi Angelfish Pictures

My Marble Koi, Tailess Angel, Poor thing Kamikazied himself


was changing tanks and he jumped on top of the filter, My Fault. came home and he was dry on one side from being partially out of the water. Poor thing lasted a few hours then died. Not seen another since.
Tolak, Crossfc, and Gill,

Very nice fish !!!! :good: I got to learn this picture thing and gets some of mine on this thread.

Thanks for the pictures

Ok well, if you already have the pictures on your computer, simply host thing with a website such as image shack or photobucket. Once you have them uploaded you can take the URL (web address) of the picture and place IMG tags around it.

PLACE URL HERE/IMG] and add an [ before the / .

Edit, typo....
Nix and lilfishie,

Thanks for the suggestions. I am a slow learner when it comes to digital cameras and computers. Everything you guys talked about might be easy to do once i learn it and understand it. Unfortunately, i have to self teach and walk myself through everything :crazy: . Lots of forthcoming trail and errors i'm sure. Plus getting good pictures is tricky too. I will get pictures on here as soon as i can. :good:

Thanks again,

ps- I have four more select quality koi angelfish coming today. I can't wait to get them acclimated and grow them out.
Hi. Quick question. Is that pleco in one of your pics a/an para pleco (L075)? I was just wondering because I recently aquired an uknown pleco at my lfs which I beleive to be a para pleco and mine looks similar to yours. thanks is advance :good:

Hi. Quick question. Is that pleco in one of your pics a/an para pleco (L075)? I was just wondering because I recently aquired an uknown pleco at my lfs which I beleive to be a para pleco and mine looks similar to yours. thanks is advance :good:


It's just a common plec, been in the family for years.
Hi. Quick question. Is that pleco in one of your pics a/an para pleco (L075)? I was just wondering because I recently aquired an uknown pleco at my lfs which I beleive to be a para pleco and mine looks similar to yours. thanks is advance :good:


It's just a common plec, been in the family for years.
:blush: oops. Silly me. Well thanks for the reply, i guess i just thought it looked similar to mine in the picture. Nevertheless nice plec!

I can only find one pic of my male and female, the quality doesn't do them justice, they are real pretty fish.

Ill get better pics soon.........

love all of you angels :hyper:
i have never got round to getting a koi even though i really want one so he can join my other 3
Johnny t,

Very nice fish and the well planted tank looks great from what i can see.

Thanks for the pic,

WOW :rolleyes: these angels are stunning. I had a large black one but he had something wrong with his swim bladder and we lost him, :shout: We had 2 small ones which are huge now, but they are your normal marble effect. We are currently looking for 3 or 4 new ones but are worried about putting anything too small in with our big ones, They seem to be aggresive to each other, They dont bother with the other fish just keep nipping at each other. Would small ones be ok with these? If anyone has any of the koi ones for sale please let me know.

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