New To Keeping Oscars Need Suggestions


Fish Fanatic
Dec 2, 2006
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
Hi everyone,

I have recently bought two albino tiger Oscars for my 135 gallon. They are 3 to 4 inches long at the moment. I noticed that when they eat, they grind up the food in their mouths and lots of tiny food particles come out of their gills only to sink to the bottom uneaten.

I would like to get some other kind of fish that would clean up the tiny scraps off of the bottom. What fish would do a good job at this and could co-exist with the Oscars.

Also, i heard that Oscars are prone to the hole in the head disease. Keeping their water clean is one good preventative. Is their any other preventative things to do to help avoid this?

Thanks :good: ,
Some sort of catfish would suit your needs, with a 135 gallon you have a lot to choose from, its really up to you. If you dont like catfish how about some eartheaters to get the food from the bottom (providing you have sand). Smaller fish might also eat the particles eg. convicts may work.
I would look at catfish though personally.

Aslong as you have clean water with regular water changes HITH shouldnt be a problem (though an excess of feeders doesnt help either - try to avoid store feeders altogether).
Some sort of catfish would suit your needs, with a 135 gallon you have a lot to choose from, its really up to you. If you dont like catfish how about some eartheaters to get the food from the bottom (providing you have sand). Smaller fish might also eat the particles eg. convicts may work.
I would look at catfish though personally.

Aslong as you have clean water with regular water changes HITH shouldnt be a problem (though an excess of feeders doesnt help either - try to avoid store feeders altogether).

Yeah, i was thinking about a catfish of some sort. What is eartheaters? Never heard of those.


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