Spotted Primo Catfish?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 2, 2006
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
Hi everyone,

Has anyone heard of these catfish? If so, where can i find out information on keeping this catfish?

My lfs has them so i came home to do research on them but can't find anything. I wonder if thats the correct name for them.

They are silver with black spots and have really long whiskers.

Thanks for the help :good: ,
Not Perruno is it?
They are a big catfish getting to 2' long. They are peaceful, but need a big tank. Scientific name is Perrunichthys perruno.
See if thats the fish your after.

Thanks CFC. It is the Peruvian strain of the Pimelodus Pictus. Could a trio of these catfish grow up with a young oscar who is roughly 2.5" long, and a pr of young parrots and be okay?

I am looking for a fish that will clean up after these fishes poor eating habits.

Thanks again,
Pictus cats wont clean up after other fish, they are predators in their own right and require their own food. I would also be cautious of housing them with Oscars as at some point the Oscar will probably attempt to eat one which could result in both fish dying.
Pictus cats wont clean up after other fish, they are predators in their own right and require their own food. I would also be cautious of housing them with Oscars as at some point the Oscar will probably attempt to eat one which could result in both fish dying.

Thanks for your input. I figured that maybe these catfish would scavenge the pellet remains that gets tossed out during chewing. I will keep looking then.

Any suggestions? Thanks again

If you are looking for a catfish to eat left over food then one of the larger Synodontis species would probably work best for you but no catfish will live off left overs and waste alone and will require some supplemental feeding at least 3 times a week.
If you are looking for a catfish to eat left over food then one of the larger Synodontis species would probably work best for you but no catfish will live off left overs and waste alone and will require some supplemental feeding at least 3 times a week.

Thank you CFC,

I will have to check out those catfish you just mentioned. I am just looking for fish that would help clean uneaten food up the Oscar leaves behind but i know this couldn't be that fishes only diet. Again, i appreciate your help. Hopefully i can find good info on the Synodontis.


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