Fin Nipping Glowlight Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Dec 2, 2006
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
Hi guys,

I keep a large school of 13 adult glowlights with my 12 medium sized angelfish. Just recently, i noticed that my glowlights have started picking on the angelfish nipping at their fins. I thought these guys were friendly. Is this something that these tetras are known for and can i expect this behaviour to worsen?

Thanks for the info,
Tetras are known as one of the nippiest fish.
I'm sure once the Angels have grown a bit they'll stop though, the natural prey of Angels in the wild is small fish like tetras.
By medium sized angels how big do you mean?
Tetras nip. glo lights will nip. They are after all just tiny piranhas.
A single English pound would be about an inch....
Those angels aren't medium sized, maybe compared to when you got them they are but they are going to get a fair bit bigger.
Provide some extra cover for your angels tall thin leaved plants are best and monitor their finnage, if it gets too bad you may have to seperate them, but soon enough your angels will be 6 inches long (not including their fins) so fairly large, and your tetras will definately not be nipping them...
Well, they might try.....
--munch-- :fish: --munch--
Careful actually when i kept angels (for a very short time) i found them quite vindictive, once they grow out a little and realise your tetras aren't really a threat they may seek some fishy revenge, beyond what is normally expected...

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