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  1. Ranger


    I think my question was answered with I do love personality though, and I do remember it with mine. But most recently when my tank was last stocked my Bichir had plenty of personality for me! Maybe I will go back to cichlids in the future. Thanks for revamping the excitement guys!!! :good:
  2. Ranger


    I used to keep cichlids when I first got into fishkeeping a while back, but after that setup I really have no desire to go back. They are beautiful fish to be sure, but I'm just wondering what the constant allure is to them. Am I missing something? Or are they just not for me...?
  3. Ranger

    Would A Sengal Bichir Eat Rainbow Fish

    I'd say its definitely possible for it to get eaten. From what I've seen each bichir has a different personality, cute little guys... Some of them are kindof dumb and lazy, and others are rather quick if they want to.
  4. Ranger

    Beware Of Superskimmer?

    First off I'm going to say that this is a great skimmer as far as skimming goes. It does seem to have some problems though. For example, about once every two weeks I come home to atleast 3 gallons of SW dumped onto my floor because it just goes crazy. It seems to do this for no apparent reason...
  5. Ranger

    Hi, New Member

    Good to have you here. Watch out, I'm from california!
  6. Ranger

    Phosphate Removal Question

    Beat again by ski...
  7. Ranger

    New Additions

    Sounds exciting. I don't recall seeing a thread on your tank. Whats it like?
  8. Ranger

    Help Me

    Are you in highschool? Or is this for college? To most of the people here (many of whom are older and have jobs) fish tanks cost a moderate amount of money. To me (i just entered college) it costs alot. So be prepared to spend some big bucks. Don't cut corners or it will hurt you in the end.
  9. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    Hmm, I can't find out were to order it. I can't even find it on the prestone site, lol. How much does it cost? I'd front you the money if you could get me some :good: .
  10. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    Well, I can either get it from you or order from the manufacturer. The guy in HD was really knowledgable and knew what I was talking about and what I wanted it for. He said I wouldn't be able to find it around here and reccommended I just order it. So, I'll see what I can do with that. If I run...
  11. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    Just called HD. They don't prestone driveway heat or anything really. The guy i talked to said the only thing they had that might work would be a rock salt they get form a company, Morton Salt. I checked out the website and It seems like its just salt. lol. Gonna call Lowe's now. EDIT: As i...
  12. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    Just restested calc and yeah its at 350. So I shouldn't be dosing the alk at all? Lol. Any ideas why my chemisty is off in the firstplace? Maybe we could strike at the source? Or am I going to have to constantly be dosing all these things?
  13. Ranger

    Help Me

    Ur tank is too small for any anemone over a long period of time. However, you can get various corals that look like anemone's like a torch of a frogspawns. For your tank to sustain livestock it needs to have about 1 pound of liverock per gallon. How long do you have to complete this project...
  14. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    I think we crossed our wires somewhere... my dKH is 13.9. And this supplement is supposed to make my alk go up!? Its late and im tired so maybe im confused...
  15. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    OK, I actually preferred dKH myself. But I was meq sounded more technical and correct, lol. Still... what do you consider a moderate amount....?
  16. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    Ok, I'm going to prepare the alk, concoction now. What should my desired meq/L be? Also, I'm confused by the dosing instruction. On the initial dose, do I dose enough to change it to the desired alk? Or do I slowly dose it to reach the desired alk?
  17. Ranger


    That doesn't look like my dog. (See avatar photo)
  18. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    Is that the name of a product? It actually snowed here recently. It melted before it hit the ground though. Lol.
  19. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    I couldn't find the Calcium stuff. Calcium chloride dihydrate? In home depot anywhere. What section should it be in? Or where else can I get it?
  20. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    Ok, so I'm about to go get this all these ingredients. Am I going to need to be adjusting the Calc, Alk, and Magnesium simultaneously? Or am I just going to be adjusting the Alk?
  21. Ranger

    Water Changes And How Often?

    I think water changes depend alot on the size of your tank. My 25 gallon I usually do like a weekly 10% with water adds in between. I use RO water.
  22. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    If there is one thing I have learned about fishkeeping it is that when it rains... it pours. Haven't had a second of free time recently. Between work and school just starting again, I'm hoping to get a hold on the chaos that is my life atm and get those solutions mixed up and added to my tank...
  23. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    Haha, if you'll recall we went through this before. I'll retest then read that thingy.
  24. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    Gosh I feel so guilty whenever something goes wrong in one of my fish tanks. Whether its my fault or not. Heres my stats: pH: 8.2 Ammonia and Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 15ppm Alk: 4.9677 meq/L (as far as I can tell, Alk really confuses me) Calc: 340 mg/L According to the direction on Alk/Calc...
  25. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    Here are the pics. No signs of spreading among the other heads.
  26. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    Haha, i think it should work. BTW two of the stalks on my coral have completely withdrawn and some brownish stuff (possibly algae) is growing on the tip of the hard stalk. The other 4 stalks are fine. Any ideas? I don't have time to take a pic or get water quality atm. Have to go to work.
  27. Ranger

    Treating Fin Rot

    Yeah, I'm a big impulse buyer, and I have to really stop myself from just buying everything in my fish store. I always Ask the guys/gals here at TFF before I make any purchases. Mainly because they aren't selling me anything.
  28. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    I'm debating on whether or not to attempt an experimental procedure to get my clowns to host the coral. Clowns can see outside the tank right? While they may not know what is going on, they can none the less see right? If so, I wonder if it would be effective to show clowns a picture or movie in...
  29. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    Here's the pics of my live stock. The clowns are doing great and so is the sixline. I think the sixline might be a bit aggressive though, because it will periodically swim towards/around the clowns, which seems to scare the clowns but the sixline doesn't do it an aggressive manner, almost as if...
  30. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    Exciting new additions! I got a sixline wrasse about a few days ago, and picked up some coral yesterday. It's either a torch or a frogspawn (i have trouble determining the difference :blush: ).
  31. Ranger

    Do I Have To Many Fish

    Good point... but did I mention how Lynden is a futurisitc supercool space robot?
  32. Ranger

    Do I Have To Many Fish

    I'm with lynden on this one. Although I've done no research on the topic, I've come to the conclusion that Lynden is a futuristic super cool space robot.
  33. Ranger

    Coralife 65g Skimmer

    Yeah, the superskimmer is really touchy. Whenever I add water to the tank I open the valve up or it will fill the collection cup in no time. Then When I'm done adding water I adjust back to normal. I'm a little lost.... Is your skimmer "fixed" or is it broken? Or what?
  34. Ranger

    Recommendations For First Corals

    I've also been considering which putting corals into my tank. I just got 4 T5's (2 24watt daylights, and 2 24watt actinics). I was considering getting one of the Euphylla (preferably a Torch coral). LFS was telling me that in addition to lighting i need to feed them, like dose the tank with...
  35. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    Hmm, I dunno. There wasn't access to touristy stuff down there like disposable cam's. And I wasn't about to take my digital underwater :lol: EDIT: Whats the best stuff to be feeding my clownfish, I've been feeding them whats left over of my frozen brine shrimp (which I've heard isn't very...
  36. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    I would have liked to, but I don't have an underwater camera :-(. I think I've decided against getting the goby/shrimp for my tank. Does any1 have any suggestions of what I could add to 2 False percs and a Sixline wrasse? I'd like something energetic with a personality, something that will add...
  37. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    The one in the Carribean. NorthEast of Venezuela.
  38. Ranger

    Marine Chat Room

    MSN(Just made it for you guys): [email protected] AIM: GunghoRanger
  39. Ranger

    Ranger's Tank Journal

    Got 2 false perculas today! They seem to be doing great. They are eating already too. I also spotted my first bristleworm in my tank today. It crawled out right after feeding time.
  40. Ranger

    You've Got Me.

    Torch = Flashlight?