Would A Sengal Bichir Eat Rainbow Fish


New Member
Apr 4, 2007
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I'm thinking of adding one to my community, i know they eat small fish but the smallest I have are bosemani rainbow fish, which are currently about 2 inches but i believe will grow to around 4.

If i was to add a young sengal bichir at this stage would they get eaten now or at a later date?

another question is would the sengal provide too much competition for meaty foods for my gold nugget..?

I don't think a full grown senegal would eat(catch) a full grown rainbow however I would watch the plec if its a small one. The only reason I say that is I have an Ornate Bichir about 10 inches long and earlier this year I boight a 4 INCH l25 and the following day after I put it in it had a huge wound to its stomach which I suspected to be the Bichir.
Its more the stealing of the plecs food I'm concerned with. the sengals I've seen are currently tiny compared to him but obviously being such a fast mover i think he might hoover up all the meaty food before the plec got any.
Its more the stealing of the plecs food I'm concerned with. the sengals I've seen are currently tiny compared to him but obviously being such a fast mover i think he might hoover up all the meaty food before the plec got any.
I'd say Bichirs are as dozy as plecs when it comes to food
you'd be surprised how they can miss food right under their noses :lol: i'd say wouldn't be fast enough to chase down and eat an active rainbow
you'd be surprised how they can miss food right under their noses :lol: i'd say wouldn't be fast enough to chase down and eat an active rainbow
to the point of frustrations sometimes eh Straydum lol
Thanks for the replies guys, think I might take the chance then. have to say the misses would kill me if her "pretty colourful fish" got eaten!
I'd say its definitely possible for it to get eaten. From what I've seen each bichir has a different personality, cute little guys... Some of them are kindof dumb and lazy, and others are rather quick if they want to.
Ah right, I dont know what to do tbh. was hoping someone could of told me for definate but it looks like I either try and see and take the risk or I dont!! :crazy:
well from being a keeper of an ornate for last two years and having owned a senegal many years ago I would certainly not worry too much of keeping rainbowfish with them. I keep a shoalof silver dollars with mine which started out at a small size with no problems
Thanks, hopefully the rainbows will have grown to a bigger size before the bichir gets big enough to eat them then..

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