Haha, i think it should work. BTW two of the stalks on my coral have completely withdrawn and some brownish stuff (possibly algae) is growing on the tip of the hard stalk. The other 4 stalks are fine. Any ideas? I don't have time to take a pic or get water quality atm. Have to go to work.
Could be whats commonly known as a "Brown Jelly Infection". What you're seeing is the coral's immune response, similar to an inflamation response in humans. Sometimes in the case of the corals its an auto-immune problem, not necessarily a bacterial infection. Meaning, the corals immune system blindly attacks itself when something goes wrong. This can obviously be a big problem and can spread FAST. Usually fragging is a good and perhaps even the only option for a rapidly advancing brown jelly infection. Happened to my favites brain and I almoast lost it. Fragging safed the rest though. Dont jump too quick to a diagnosis though, sometimes soft corals go through a shedding process not to be mistaken for brown jelly. Get a pic up quickly if you can though