Recommendations For First Corals


Jan 8, 2006
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Hertfordshire, UK
In anticipation of when I decide to put some corals in my tank, what would you recommend. I know I'm limited to soft corals/mushrooms etc because of the lighting.

I have 2 x 25W T8 marine white and actinic tubes, with reflectors and a decent hood, so most of the light is directed into the tank but it seems fairly bright actually.

Please let me see you recommendations and once we have a decent list I can decide and plan it out.

Thanks as always :good:
well shrooms are indestructable so everyone says but there are various spcies of leather corals that are tough as nuts worth a look into
If you want something a bit flowie then you cant go wrong with star polyps! the are a great starter coral and will do fine under t8 lighting!
As rys said shrooms are also a good bet as the arnt as light deandant as most others.

if you have success with both of those then maybe try someting like a pussy leather or mushroom leather both are very decorative and look great once settled into the aquairum

I've also been considering which putting corals into my tank. I just got 4 T5's (2 24watt daylights, and 2 24watt actinics). I was considering getting one of the Euphylla (preferably a Torch coral). LFS was telling me that in addition to lighting i need to feed them, like dose the tank with bioplankton or something every other day. Is that true?
If you want something a bit flowie then you cant go wrong with star polyps! the are a great starter coral and will do fine under t8 lighting!
As rys said shrooms are also a good bet as the arnt as light deandant as most others.

if you have success with both of those then maybe try someting like a pussy leather or mushroom leather both are very decorative and look great once settled into the aquairum


pussy leather, they had some pussy corals in the LFS today, are they the same?

They were pink, quite large, fairly bushy with a trunk like base?

If so wicked!
I've also been considering which putting corals into my tank. I just got 4 T5's (2 24watt daylights, and 2 24watt actinics). I was considering getting one of the Euphylla (preferably a Torch coral). LFS was telling me that in addition to lighting i need to feed them, like dose the tank with bioplankton or something every other day. Is that true?

oky ill give this a go
right the Euphylla genus feed mainly from their zooaxanthelle however it is a good idea to put some mysid shrimp or something of the like their way probably 1 - 2 times a week. Its when you have SPS corals when you ned phtoplanktonand stuff.

thats wht ive heard so any seniors please back me up
If you want something a bit flowie then you cant go wrong with star polyps! the are a great starter coral and will do fine under t8 lighting!
As rys said shrooms are also a good bet as the arnt as light deandant as most others.

if you have success with both of those then maybe try someting like a pussy leather or mushroom leather both are very decorative and look great once settled into the aquairum


pussy leather, they had some pussy corals in the LFS today, are they the same?

They were pink, quite large, fairly bushy with a trunk like base?

If so wicked!

yeah thats the kiddie mate ;)
Went looking for the elusive yellow watchman goby yesterday, no luck, but came home with some green star polyps!

They seem very healthy so far, all are out and shimmering nicely. They are kind of fluorescant with the actinic spectrum lighting, looks cool..

Will definitely be getting some pussy corals if things go well with the star polyps followed by shrooms and pulsing xenia etc.

(anybody got any pics of pussy coral?)
heres a pic of my pussy coral they can come in a few different colour but all look great in my opionion :)

As much fun as the name pussey coral is, most people refer to that as a toadstool leather :good:. Its clearly a Sacrophyton genus coral yet I'm not sure the exact species. Not an elegans, something else
As much fun as the name pussey coral is, most people refer to that as a toadstool leather :good:. Its clearly a Sacrophyton genus coral yet I'm not sure the exact species. Not an elegans, something else

lol ski stop geeking it up ;) we all know your right but its easy to recognise as a pussey :) i always think of a toadstoll leather as a different type as their are so many versions ;)

i bow too your super geek knowledge though sir :good:
Been back to the LFS today, I didn't think Phoenix pic looked like the pussy coral in the shop.

What my LFS is calling pussy coral is actually Colt Coral (Cladiella sp.) as seen here:-

Colt Coral

Anyway, bought some blue mushrooms and ordered some xenia aswell........
sounds good, been lookin for a pulsing xenia in my area but no luck. post some full tank pics, wouldnt mind seein how the tanks comin.
interesting never seen that one called a pussy before lol still a nice coral though, hope your new shrooms do well! if they take off ive got some purple ones ill swap with u :good:

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