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  1. erk628

    Water Dechlorinator

    That does work with chlorine, thats the way they use to do it before water conditioner became popular. However this method doesn't work with chloramine which a lot of peoples tap water has now.
  2. erk628

    New Tank - Not Sure About The Stand

    I wouldn't use that table if I was you.
  3. erk628

    Nitrate Filters

    You could always add live plants.
  4. erk628

    New Ten Gallon Tank

    First off I would suggest starting a fishless cycle, you can find info in my sig below on how to do that. While your waiting for your tank to cycle you will have time to research what fish you want.
  5. erk628

    Filtration Question For Large Aquarium Owners

    Op have you considered using a sump?
  6. erk628

    Never Cleaned Tank. Should I Bother?

    Read the links in my sig below, you have a lot to learn.
  7. erk628

    Albino Catfish Care?

    A picture would help
  8. erk628

    How Much Of Each Chemical!?

    No not right now I don't and there's been many other times I've went quiet a while without using any. I'm not condoning doing so I'm just saying thats what I do from time to time. I'll probably order some prime soon though.
  9. erk628

    How Much Of Each Chemical!?

    Your actually suppose to add it to the bucket before dumping it in the tank unless you going to put enough in to treat the whole tank. Reason being theres a lot more water then your conditioning for so its gonna dilute it and it wont work like it should. But most people don't do this and never...
  10. erk628


    I have a feeling your going to have some aggression issues.
  11. erk628

    Strength Of Current

    In the wild they live in calmer waterpool areas of highland streams. Source:
  12. erk628

    High Nitrate

    The cheapest fix is to get a lot of live plants
  13. erk628


    I looked on a couple sites at the fishes profile and they said 55 gallon.
  14. erk628

    Hob Filter Placement?

    Correct I was just letting the OP know that it is possible to get rid of all dead spots. :good:
  15. erk628

    Hob Filter Placement?

    Not necessarily I have seen a set up that had no dead spots.
  16. erk628


    Welcome don't see any pictures though! :hi: :good:
  17. erk628

    Wanted Tanks

    Aren't we all :good:
  18. erk628

    Its A Beast !

    Go to a near by pool store and they will have it there.
  19. erk628

    Its A Beast !

    Looks good is that a bowfont? If you can get you hand on some I would suggest pool filter sand instead of play sand, pool filter sand is heaver and won't stay afloat as long as play sand will if stirred up. Doesn't really cost much more then play sand.
  20. erk628

    Its A Beast !

    What size tank is that looks like a 125 or 150 gallon but pictures to small to tell
  21. erk628

    Hob Filter Placement?

    It really depends on your stock and how the filter you have now is doing, however right now you have the bare minimum when it comes to filtration for a 29. I keep larger fish and larger tanks and I believe strongly in over filtering all my tanks. If I had a 29 which I do but there empty I would...
  22. erk628

    Filtration Opinion

    NP :lol:
  23. erk628

    Filtration Opinion

    I would suggest a Emperor 400 or an AC 110 on the other side of the tank unless you wanted another canister if so another 405 would work. Your gonna have it heavily stocked your gonna need heavy filtration.
  24. erk628

    Filtration Opinion

    So your running a fluval 405 right now is that correct?
  25. erk628

    Filtration Opinion

    You edited it bro, I calculated what you originally had not what you changed it to.
  26. erk628

    Hob Filter Placement?

    As long as the plant isn't getting sucked into the filter and blocking the water then it will be fine. What size tank do you have? I'm usually a big fan of having a filter on each side of my tank.
  27. erk628

    Filtration Opinion

    Well according the the calculator at the top of the pages its a 198 gallon. So your tank is higher then it is longer? I have a 150 gallon with two fluval fx5's on it. For a tank your size I would really recommend a sump. It would be the cheapest and most practical way to go.
  28. erk628

    Filtration Opinion

    What size is the tank?
  29. erk628

    Tankless Fishless Cycling

    Do you plan on having the media in the filter and running? If so I don't see why not it would be no different then in a tank.
  30. erk628

    Fish Swap

    I would up the number of corys and up the number of neons. Also most people will never have a true shoal in a home aquarium what your going for is a school. This is a shoal
  31. erk628

    Community To Predator Setup?

    Do you live in the states?
  32. erk628

    Tinfoil Barb?

    Call around to all the pet stores that you would be willing to drive to and see if they would take them. Do you have pictures of them.
  33. erk628

    Water Condition

    Keep up on the water changes until both ammonia and nitrites are 0 and feed sparingly until you have things back to normal. Id probably feed every other day.
  34. erk628

    Community To Predator Setup?

    Well if you just left the pleco in there depending on how long it was the BB would end up dying because it wouldn't get enough food it would die until there was only enough left to cover what the pleco produces. The driftwood is going to take more then a couple days to soak. If it was me doing...
  35. erk628

    Community To Predator Setup?

    Would you be able to take your fish in the fish store and pick up the piranhas at the same time that way you filters wont have to set without an ammonia source?
  36. erk628

    Community To Predator Setup?

    Don't know about the shrimp never owned any but I would imagine. What are you gonna do with the fish that are in there now
  37. erk628

    What Predator To Choose?

    Tank might be big enough for some exodons.
  38. erk628

    Community To Predator Setup?

    Don't know anything about piranhas but just wanted to say I wouldn't mess with the water or media just put them in there. If there hasn't been any diseases lately no reason to mess with it.
  39. erk628

    Tankmates For Dwarf Puffers

    Its possible really depends on the fish because each one is different. What works for one person might not work for another.You could always try but keep a close eye on it and if he starts getting nipped you'll either have to return it or put it in another tank
  40. erk628

    Fish Dead Already

    Honestly from my experience and many others for some reason neons just don't seem to do good unless it a very mature tank. You can give it another try and if they die this time I would suggest getting something different and waiting on the neons tell a later time. As far as letting the bag float...