How Much Of Each Chemical!?


New Member
Oct 16, 2012
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Okay so this may sound a really stupid question, but one I've always wondered about. When adding chemicals to my tank e.g. Water conditioner during water changes, it says to add say 10ml per 40L of water - does this mean i need to add just enough to treat the water i am adding in my bucket, or does it mean the total volume of my tank e.g 100Liters?

Stupid question I know, but I don't want to be wasting expensive chemicals / not putting enough in!

P.S. Any other tips would be greatly appreciated as I am fairly new to this whole thing :)
Your actually suppose to add it to the bucket before dumping it in the tank unless you going to put enough in to treat the whole tank. Reason being theres a lot more water then your conditioning for so its gonna dilute it and it wont work like it should. But most people don't do this and never have any problems. Theres even some like me at the moment who don't use anything and don't have any issues. When I do use it I add enough to each bucket before dumping in the tank.
Your actually suppose to add it to the bucket before dumping it in the tank unless you going to put enough in to treat the whole tank. Reason being theres a lot more water then your conditioning for so its gonna dilute it and it wont work like it should. But most people don't do this and never have any problems. Theres even some like me at the moment who don't use anything and don't have any issues. When I do use it I add enough to each bucket before dumping in the tank.

You don't use a dechlorinator?
Ok, a few simple tips for water changes that may sound obvious but can be overlooked. If you can, have 2 buckets for water changes, prepare your water before you start gravel cleaning etc, adding the correct dose of dechlorinator. Try to match the temp to that of the tank, and don't use the water until any cloudiness has gone. Make sure you switch off the heater 10 mins before you start, and your filter if needs dictate as you begin. Give the glass inside the once over to remove any algae. Without being too heavy handed, try to get into all areas of the tank to remove as much detrius as possible. Take this opportunity to trim any plants and remove any dead or rotten leaves if you have any. If needed, clean your filter sponges/media in the old tank water, don't be too vigorous, a couple of gentle sqeezes on the sponge and no more. If they don't "bounce back", try abit more cleaning, if still the same they may need replacing, half a sponge at a time, and never all at once. Check the fresh water is clear and around the same temp as the tank, adjusting as required. Add it as slowly as you can. Filter and heater back on, check all is well within the tank. Sit back and enjoy. Small regular changes are better than a large one that is left too long. 25% weekly is a good figure for a community set-up.
Your actually suppose to add it to the bucket before dumping it in the tank unless you going to put enough in to treat the whole tank. Reason being theres a lot more water then your conditioning for so its gonna dilute it and it wont work like it should. But most people don't do this and never have any problems. Theres even some like me at the moment who don't use anything and don't have any issues. When I do use it I add enough to each bucket before dumping in the tank.

You don't use a dechlorinator?
No not right now I don't and there's been many other times I've went quiet a while without using any. I'm not condoning doing so I'm just saying thats what I do from time to time. I'll probably order some prime soon though.
^^ fair enough... maybe you have a lot less chlorine in your water than we do in the UK... for us (or for me anyway!) if we get a glass of water from the tap... the chlorine smell is strong enough to remind me of swimming pools :sick:

Dechlorinator = treat just the new water out of the tap
Bacterial Supplement (if you use one like cycle, stress zyme, filter start etc) = treat the whole tank volume.

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