Filtration Opinion


Fish Crazy
Sep 22, 2010
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I just wanted to get a second opinion on whether I should buy an additional internal/external filter for my tank.

I have a Fluval Profile 1200 which is a 323 ltr and runs a 405. With the filter only being about 70 ltrs more than the tank is, I was thinking of getting an internal 200 ltr filter to help. Probably a JBL Cristalprofi i200.

I could squeeze an additional external in, but it would probably be a bit more of a pain.

I'm currently stocking around 15 fish, but I do intend to run at around 90 - 95%% stocking level once i've finished.

Well according the the calculator at the top of the pages its a 198 gallon. So your tank is higher then it is longer? I have a 150 gallon with two fluval fx5's on it. For a tank your size I would really recommend a sump. It would be the cheapest and most practical way to go.
did you put in inches? It's only around 85 gallon :lol:
I would suggest a Emperor 400 or an AC 110 on the other side of the tank unless you wanted another canister if so another 405 would work. Your gonna have it heavily stocked your gonna need heavy filtration.
Thanks. You've confirmed what I thought.

Got there in the end :lol:


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