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  1. P

    Acrylic Tanks

    Huh? Sounds like crappy heaters if you ask me. My heaters NEVER go higher than what they're set at. When I do water changes the heater turns on because of the cold water and when it reaches the preset temp it turns off never does it go higher. If it comes on for only 15 seconds then it's...
  2. P

    Petsmart Carries Crowntails!

    Yeah sometimes Petco and Petsmart get nice bettas. I got a light yellow double tail CT from Petco and a Cambodian VT from Petsmart. I also saw a few butterfly VTs.
  3. P

    Cycling With Fish & Worried

    You can use Seachem Prime or Kordon Amquel+ to detoxify ammonia and nitrite while cycling with fish.
  4. P

    Compatability Of Angels And Gouramis

    Actually guaramis like acidic to nuetral water from pH 6.0-7.5
  5. P

    Trace Elements: The Debate Continues...

    Why would I need a peer reviewed paper when you haven't shown any yourself? His credentials certainly BLOW AWAY those of your "armchair experts". Strawman claim since nobody said FW fish don't need trace elements from water. It also doesn't mention electrolytes because it didn't make any...
  6. P

    Aquaclear Vs. Penguin

    Yes SOME breeders may want to add floating leaves for spawning purposes, but we're not testing for niche applications, we're testing for standard applications. Oh and no more name calling from me. :P
  7. P

    Halogen Or Led ?

    I think it is up to you to decide whether it's worth the extra cost. LEDs last a LONG time, run cooler and consume less electricity. Halogens go out pretty fast and get very hot especially when they're on like 10 hours a day. If you buy a timer for the Halogen it's an added cost and you still...
  8. P

    Acrylic Tanks

    The reason why you see this temperature fluctuation from the fixed setting on your heater is due to ambient room temperature. When a room gets colder than the tank temperature your heater tries to bring the temperature up to where you set it. The heater is only rated to bring the temperature up...
  9. P

    Trace Elements: The Debate Continues...

  10. P

    Aquaclear Vs. Penguin

    I don't have an AC HOB to test so I can only go by what was said about the lack of self priming in the ACs. I have a tiny AZOO HOB that doesn't self prime and if I unplug it and leave it for maybe 30 seconds and plug it back in it won't start flowing. It'll just swirl the water inside the...
  11. P

    Petsmart Carries Crowntails!

    I think Petsmart have been carrying CTs alongside VTs for awhile now.
  12. P

    Otto's Not Eating Algae

    Well that's your answer eg if there's food there they wouldn't need to eat the algae.
  13. P

    Lookie What I Got For Christmas

    You have a very sweet gf..she knows how to pick nice healthy good looking bettas too. :D
  14. P

    Otto's Not Eating Algae

    What are they feeding on at the bottom of the tank?
  15. P

    Aquaclear Vs. Penguin

    Yeah that's problaby why you couldn't support your own argument. You didn't need my help conducting self ownage, though you did need the help of others by quoting them without actually realizing it didn't support your own claims. Sorry but it would've been more helpful if you understood what you...
  16. P

    Ro Units

    Take a college Physiology class then get back to me. You're just yelling from a sinking ship.
  17. P

    Aquaclear Vs. Penguin

    Do a google search for wet/dry filtration and O2. ;) Also get back to me when you've actually used a Biowheel and can backup your hollow claims. :lol: You mean like dumping dried leaves and topsoil into a tank? Accepted by who, morons? :lol: Still wanna argue about trace elements? Didn't...
  18. P

    Does Your Betta Open Close Its Mouth While Doing The Wiggly?

    All of mine do. Seems it's a sign they want to eat. :lol:
  19. P

    Large Rocks Instead Of Substrate/gravel

    If you want to use rocks you may also want to use a thin layer of fine gravel or sand about 1/2 - 1 inch.
  20. P

    Fish Selection For A 30l Tank !?! Make That A 60l Now !

    I'd go with a couple of dwarf gouramis and some platies and guppies. If you get gouramis make sure you have some floating plants like java moss. Throw in some amano and/or ghost shimp as bottom feeders to clean up any leftovers.
  21. P

    Aquaclear Vs. Penguin

    Which you haven't even done yet are claiming it a gimmick. :lol: "You seem to be overly concerned with O2 levels in aquariums, as if bio filtration is going to suck all the O2 out, leaving little for the fish. I don’t think this is as big a concern as you make it to be; folks running planted...
  22. P


    Well very few experienced fish keepers want their fish to glow unaturally. It looks cool but unatural. Instead of a black light you can use one of the tubes designed for marine tanks with 10K or higher color temperature.
  23. P

    Aquaclear Vs. Penguin

    And yet you've already decided that it's a marketing gimmick... :good: Yet you've ignored all the drawbacks of canisters. For lightly stocked tanks live rock and a protein skimmer is enough. For heavily stocked tanks like commercial systems there will likely be some kind of wetdry filter...
  24. P

    Ro Units

    Anyone who knows anything about science knows that a negative doesn't prove a positive. Please go back and reread my original post. I said trace elements (from water) is more important to SW fish and that's true. For FW fish it's not as important since they can get them from food. You were the...
  25. P

    Ro Units

    Yeah and I read a lot about freshwater salt as being helpful for fish too but there is ZERO scientific studies that prove it doesn't mean I should go out and buy some FW salt because a bunch of people on the net are doing it.
  26. P


    I was actually kidding about the black light though you could use it to enhance or make the fish glow. Yes they are completely safe. If you decide to use one just replace the warm white bulb and keep the full daylight bulb.
  27. P

    Ro Units

    "Some common elements" don't make it better. What about the elements that are not in tap water? How do the fish deal with that? See where your argument is going? How do the treatment plants deal with acid rain? You are aware that carbon removes trace elements right? BTW that link is not...
  28. P

    Ro Units

    That's a pretty weak argument since water treatment plants need to TREAT the water. How do you think they treat the water? By letting the water from the mountains drain right into your sink? That acid rain and all that crap must be lovely for fish eh? :lol: Those ar some pretty potent trace...
  29. P

    Ro Units

    So the water companies add trace elements to tap water to closely simulate the waters of the Amazon? :lol: So that makes your whole argument about trace elements for freshwater moot since you don't know the makeup of tap water which is used by MILLIONS of fish keepers all over the world...
  30. P

    Ro Units

    The point is you're telling me stuff I already know. Tell me something I don't know. Why not answer the question I brought up about tap water and stream water? Do you know the answer to the question? BTW I've been using RO water for my freshwater tanks without trace supplements and my fish are...
  31. P

    Sick Betta

    Sorry about the wrong information but Rid Ich is not safe for shrimp. Only Prevent Ich and Ich Attack are organic and safe for shrimp. Also Rid Ich WILL STAIN SILICONE blue/green so do use a separate container if you use Rid Ich.
  32. P

    Suitable Mates For A Betta? Neons?

    I really doubt the betta killed your tetras unless you have a tiny tank. Bettas are curious fish so they always follow/chase new fish when you put the new fish into a tank with an existing betta. After a short period they get bored and just leave the new fish alone just like what you...
  33. P

    Sick Betta

    It sounds like fungus so get medication that treats that. I'd treat him in a separate container though since fungus is not contageous. You'd also be able to use other medications that would otherwise be harmful to shimp. Sorry I meant Prevent Ich which is organic. Rid Ich is not organic and is...
  34. P

    Ro Units

    Why are you telling me this? I've owned reefs tanks in the past so I know almost everything there is to know about saltwater tanks, RO, salt, etc. :huh: All I said was that trace elements are more important for saltwater fish which is true. Trace elements are not as important for freshwater...
  35. P

    Sick Betta

    How long have these spots been on the betta? Bubbles usually only stay on its body for 1 or 2 days. Did you just recently do a water change?
  36. P

    Ro Units

    That's not true, if it were RO water wouldn't taste sweet, instead it would taste like distilled water. Trace elements are only important for saltwater fish.
  37. P

    Christmas Present

    How about one of these? :lol:
  38. P


    If you want to bring out the color in fish then use one black light bulb. :lol:
  39. P

    Question For Alexandcarmen About Oto

    Hi I recently purchased an Oto and have noticed that when it's on the glass I could see a swirl pattern on its belly. What I would like to know is if this is normal for Otos or am I looking at signs of a coiled internal parasitic worm? :/ I will try to post a picture when I can get it to stay...
  40. P

    Lucky On The Betta Aggresivness?

    Which people are you talking about that have bettas kill all of their fish overnight but was ok at first?