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  1. H

    20+ Dead! Help

    Any ideas please?!?!
  2. H

    Possible Fish Disease! Need Help

    It should heal, aslong as the tank is healthy. Iv had this on one or two of my platys but they have survived fine.
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    20+ Dead! Help

    Need desperate help!! Ok my tank has been up and running for about 12 months and everyone was living fine. On sunday we added 2 new aluminium catfish and 2 other catfish (dont know there names) from PetsatHome (I know that was probably the reason) Monday - 1 new catfish died, but couldnt...
  4. H

    Identify The Fry

    Captured 1 more fry this morning - found the little bugger hiding in a corner! Thats 9 captured now!
  5. H

    Dead Guppy

    Got home yesterday and one of the platies had lost part of his tail fin - fin rot i was informed. Took a water sample to the local Fish store and they told me that the Ammonia was at a dangerous level. So last night i got a sucker thing to reove dirt from the gravel and i also did a 60 litre...
  6. H

    Dead Guppy

    How do I “stablise conditions in the tank & mature the filterâ€￾? Does that stuff that you can put into your tank that speeds up the efficieny of your filter work?
  7. H

    Fish All At Top Of Tank? Gasping For Air?

    Sounds like your short of Oxygen in that tank – I was having the same problem a couple of days ago. If there is a Pets At Home near you – they will test your oxygen in the water. Have you got a pump in there pumping in oxygen via an air stone or air bubble? Or have you just got your...
  8. H

    Dead Guppy

    5 of the 7 guppies have now died. So left with 2 and both seem to be getting a tinge of yellow/ green colour within their body – any ideas? The last one found floating was cloudy in colour and even the eyes had gone like a frosty cloud over them – any further ideas to whats happening? All...
  9. H

    Identify The Fry

    Have 2 orange and black tuxedo platies and 1 yellow platy. The little fry seem to be like a pale orange colour, and they will freely swim around the tank without a care in the world. They are also a nightmare to try and catch to get into the breeding net. So far we have managed to capture 8 and...
  10. H

    Identify The Fry

    Anybody else agree with that? Does any1 have any pictures of fry? Is there any differences between the two types of fry do you know? Im not sure they have much colour either but if any then id say its like an orange colour.
  11. H

    Identify The Fry

    Yesterday got home to find a shock. 2 fish had died, however all of a sudden Fry started appearing from hiding places. In the end I managed to net 6 of them and get them into a breeding Net, with some Baby fry food for them. There are still 1 or 2 knocking around the tank too, however as yet im...
  12. H

    Dead Guppy

    I have 3 platys, 3 guppies + 6 baby fry and also 4 dwarf frogs. Will the marine salt be ok with these? Wont the slat effect any further fish I get in the future?
  13. H

    Dead Guppy

    2 more were dead when i returned home yesterday. Checked my levels with a standard kit. Comes out at: Ammonia - 0.8mg/l Nitrates - 0 mg/l Ph - approx 7 Any further ideas to the deaths now?
  14. H

    Green Scat

    Wanted to get some green scat for my tropical community however i was originally informed that they live in brackish conditions. I went to the LFS last night and there they had them in a tropical tank. Confused i asked why and they informed me that they live fine in tropical freshwater tanks -...
  15. H

    Dead Guppy

    Only some of them were hanging around the top, some of them are still full of beans and whizzing around all over the tank – therefore if it was a problem with the tank would all the guppies act in the same way? The one that died was just constantly at the top and he would often go off into a...
  16. H

    Dead Guppy

    Woke up this morning to find a guppy dead at the bottom of the tank, any ideas why? He has been swimming at the top of the tank for the last 2 days and im concerned that another 1 may also be going the same way? Is it a sign of stress?
  17. H

    Guppy Harassing Platys

    I have 3 platys and 5 guppies but im not 100% sure what gender they are. How can i tell?
  18. H

    Guppy Harassing Platys

    Iv got 5 guppies and 3 platys. Did have 4 platys until 1 dies. However 1 of the guppies a small light blue one if constanstly harassing a yellow platy - is this normal? Will he hurt the platy? Also have i got enough platys or not? He is always hiding and i often feel he looks lonely? anyone...
  19. H

    Bullying And Shy Fish

    20% water change - once a week then? Il get a kit and get it all tested. How would i know what my guppies are? Whats the visible differences? How many of the Platys do i need - does it sound like the 1 i mentioned is lonely?
  20. H

    Bullying And Shy Fish

    No never added bacteria - the guy at the shop told me i was getting bacteria bloom and that all i needed to do was add the filter aid stuff. What should i do now? How often do i need to change the water then? once a day at the moment? Then after a few weeks how often should i be changing it...
  21. H

    Bullying And Shy Fish

    I had it set up fishless, had my water and ornaments & gravel in and got the PH to the right level and also the right temperature. After about 4 or 5 days I got bacteria bloom, which I treated by adding filter aid. So my question is what’s my problem? :S
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    Bullying And Shy Fish

    Another thing is that alot of the fish are staying in one corner the majority of the time - is this normal? And also the guppies are hovering on the top quite alot - is this normal too?
  23. H

    Bullying And Shy Fish

    Ok so iv got a New 180 litre tank, that has so far been populated with: 5 Guppies 4 Platys (2 red tuxedo & 2 gold) 4 Dwarf Frogs Now after some panic and the fish getting stressed one of the platys got stressed and eventually died (gold platy). Since then the other gold platy has gone very...
  24. H

    3rd Day - Cloudy Water

    Set up the new tank on sunday - since then the water has been crystal clear. Still no fish at the moment as its only been up for 4 days, however yesterday i returned home to find the water had gone cloudy, any reasons why?? :(
  25. H

    Filter For New Tank

    Sounds good! Thanks for your help. Hopefully the aquatic frogs will be going in on saturday.
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    Filter For New Tank

    I have the filter pointing upwards and the surface water is moving, so do I take it that it is working fine? Also within the tank on the rocks and ornaments etc there are small oxygen bubbles – which I take is also what should happen?
  27. H

    Filter For New Tank

    This probably sounds really dumb, but it does say beginners afterall. I set up my new tank the other day (180l Rio tank) and it all seems to be working fine – I think!? Basically the pump must be working because I can see the pump pushing the water, so it must be pushing out either air or...
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    I thought the dwarf frogs stay in water and don’t grow bigger. How can they get out of a tank with a lid on? Or are you just talking about the albino’s? (which grow a lot bigger) I was informed that the frogs and barbs should be ok together, is this not true then? As for Neons – what...
  29. H

    Silver Bala Shark Tank Size?

    The Rio tanks go off there name. I.e RIO 125 = 125 LItres RIO 180 = 180 litres and so on
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    The PH hasnt been tested yet as the shop i bought the equipment from test it after 7 days. The PH will however be at around 7 once its all sorted - so any ideas based on a PH of 7?
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    :nod: Yeah i finally got my 1st tank at weekend. Its 180 litres - is that big enough? Dimensions of - 101cm (length) x 41cm (depth) x 50cm (height) So far iv got a few things i want to add into the tank, can people let me know if they will be ok together??? Dwarf Frogs, Platys, Neons, Tiger...
  32. H

    Green Frogs

    Iv been looking into these for the last 2 weeks and going off what you have said they are the Dwarf frogs and they should grow any bigger than 2 - 2.5". They are like a dark green/ brown colour. They will be ok with communities and they wont eat other fish, however within a community they may...
  33. H

    Would This Community Be Ok?

    Budget is about £150 - £250 for the tank. Fish Budget - As much as it takes :D Iv got the frogs sorted, i know that the others get big and also eat small fish etc. Thats why im sticking with the 2" dwarfs. Il stay clear of the sharks then - would wana have to let them loose in the local...
  34. H

    Fish Tanks & Equipment

    Im based in the UK - Lancashire. Does anyone know where the best prices can be found for tanks etc? Ideally somewhere close but if not then somewhere that does finance. Thanks :good:
  35. H

    Would This Community Be Ok?

    Anyone got any other ideas of good fish i could add to my tank which may include frogs, platys, sharks and whatever else?
  36. H

    Would This Community Be Ok?

    Iv been told that the frogs become more active in tropical conditions and therefore get to the food better in those conditions. Either way they will be part of my community i think. They are the whole reason behind wanting to set up a new tank and community. They are different and have more...
  37. H

    Would This Community Be Ok?

    What about small things like the frogs and platys? what sort of room do you need to take up for them? How many frogs should i get? Would 4 be too many?
  38. H

    Would This Community Be Ok?

    On the sizes of the tank is the second figure not the height? so 50cm? If so then that would make it 19.5" and therefore big enough for angels? How many angels should you have also? 1, 2?
  39. H

    Would This Community Be Ok?

    The sharks i have seen are called LG Silver Sharks and they shop insisted they wont get bigger than what they are, which is about 6 or 7 cm. The tank im looking at is about 125l or maybe the 180l. 125l tank is Size: 81 x 50 x 36 cm 180l tank is Size: 101 x 50 x 41 cm Also what are Blue...
  40. H

    Would This Community Be Ok?

    Well i was reading some info and it said that the tigers should be in groups of 8 (minimum) and then they shouldnt attack anything else. Is that true? Will they be no good with Angel fish then?