Bullying And Shy Fish


New Member
Oct 11, 2006
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UK, Lancashire
Ok so iv got a New 180 litre tank, that has so far been populated with:

5 Guppies
4 Platys (2 red tuxedo & 2 gold)
4 Dwarf Frogs

Now after some panic and the fish getting stressed one of the platys got stressed and eventually died (gold platy). Since then the other gold platy has gone very shy and is always hiding. I have also found that the 2 red platys are hiding quite a lot too.

1 of the guppies is really playful and won’t leave the platys alone. He also seems to think he owns the tank I think! Now my question is – will the guppy continue to harass them? Also do the Platys need a bigger shoal to make them more confident?
Also is there any other fish which will calm the guppy down without bullying? :grr:

So far the frogs have been ok, however im wary of them trying to attack any fish and therefore I don’t like the idea of the platys that keep hiding low down – any ideas? :/

Also what else could go into this tank?
Another thing is that alot of the fish are staying in one corner the majority of the time - is this normal?

And also the guppies are hovering on the top quite alot - is this normal too?
I had it set up fishless, had my water and ornaments & gravel in and got the PH to the right level and also the right temperature. After about 4 or 5 days I got bacteria bloom, which I treated by adding filter aid.

So my question is what’s my problem? :S
did you add bacteria? it takes about 2-4 weeks for a tank to fishless cycle. you have to measure ammonia, nitrates and nitrites. do you have these readings now?

i'd get a test kit if you don't have one already, and let us know the readings. if fish are hanging near the top it's a sign there's something up with the water.

how often are you doing water changes? if the tank has gone into a cycle, you'll need to do daily 20% water changes and keep a very close eye on the water params.
No never added bacteria - the guy at the shop told me i was getting bacteria bloom and that all i needed to do was add the filter aid stuff.

What should i do now?

How often do i need to change the water then? once a day at the moment?

Then after a few weeks how often should i be changing it?

As for the genders - im almost sure they are all male - is that a problem?
i'd double check you don't have any females, you never know with guppies, they have only 1 thing on their mind!

once your tank is definately cycled, water changes once a week will be perfect.

would be useful to know your stats now though.
20% water change - once a week then?

Il get a kit and get it all tested.

How would i know what my guppies are? Whats the visible differences?

How many of the Platys do i need - does it sound like the 1 i mentioned is lonely?
yep, 20% should be fine.

boy guppies are the colourful ones with the big tails i believe. i'm not much of a livebearer expert, i've only got endlers. it may be worth asking that in the common livebearer section.
For sexing guppies, don't trust to the tails- you see some females with quite impressive tails these days. Instead look at the anal fin: in a female it is fan-shaped, like an ordinary fin. In a male it is rod-shaped, known as a gonopodium, and does in fact work as a primitive willie to insert sperm into the female. Same as with your endlers, catxx. Same with all poeciliids (some have the most impressively big gonopodia half as long as themselves or more). So you sex mollies and swordtails and platies the same way.

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