Would This Community Be Ok?


New Member
Oct 11, 2006
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UK, Lancashire
Sunset Platy

Painted Barbs

Tiger Barbs

Black African Dwarf Frogs

Angel Fish

LG Silver Shark (Apparently only grow to about 6 cm)
How many Tiger Barbs? they used to be little f*ckers when I had them in a tank with my Albino Frogs, they would always try and chase them and give them a nip, plus your Angels shouldn't really be kept with Tiger Barbs either as they will get nipped too.
Well i was reading some info and it said that the tigers should be in groups of 8 (minimum) and then they shouldnt attack anything else. Is that true?

Will they be no good with Angel fish then?
in what size tank and what are the dimensions?

i wouldn't get tiger barbs as they are vicious little buggers and may stress your other fish out.

angels need a tank at least 18" tall

silver sharks get to 12" long and need to be kept in groups of 3+ so a 75g tank is the absolute minimum.
The sharks i have seen are called LG Silver Sharks and they shop insisted they wont get bigger than what they are, which is about 6 or 7 cm.

The tank im looking at is about 125l or maybe the 180l.
125l tank is Size: 81 x 50 x 36 cm
180l tank is Size: 101 x 50 x 41 cm

Also what are Blue Damsels? Can they go in tropical tanks?
The sharks i have seen are called LG Silver Sharks and they shop insisted they wont get bigger than what they are, which is about 6 or 7 cm.

The tank im looking at is about 125l or maybe the 180l.
125l tank is Size: 81 x 50 x 36 cm
180l tank is Size: 101 x 50 x 41 cm

Also what are Blue Damsels? Can they go in tropical tanks?

blue damsels are marine fish, and right buggers as well, no definately not in a tropical community!!

neither of those tanks are tall enough for angels.

I'm incredibly dubious about LG silver sharks....... I think they're probably bala sharks and the shop is lying to you. A lot of fish stores are unscrupulous and just want your money, they'll tell you anything to sell you stuff that isn't suitable for your tank. By all means do some research into LG Silver Sharks..... but to be honest I think LG stands for Large.... and they're lying or just unaware what size they get to. :/
On the sizes of the tank is the second figure not the height? so 50cm?
If so then that would make it 19.5" and therefore big enough for angels?

How many angels should you have also? 1, 2?
On the sizes of the tank is the second figure not the height? so 50cm?
If so then that would make it 19.5" and therefore big enough for angels?

How many angels should you have also? 1, 2?

hmmm i always get confused which figure is height... best to check..... if i'm wrong then yes that's fine for angels. You need to allow 5g of the stocking for each angel.
What about small things like the frogs and platys? what sort of room do you need to take up for them?

How many frogs should i get? Would 4 be too many?
platy's leave 2g each

frog's about 1g each, but in my experience they do better kept just with other frogs and no fish. I think the angels would try and eat them. Also they are quite shy and slow to get food, so in a community set up where there is competition for the food they probably wouldn't get much and could quite easily starve to death. They're really best kept just with other frogs and no fish.
Iv been told that the frogs become more active in tropical conditions and therefore get to the food better in those conditions.

Either way they will be part of my community i think. They are the whole reason behind wanting to set up a new tank and community. They are different and have more character than fish.
Iv been told that the frogs become more active in tropical conditions and therefore get to the food better in those conditions.

Either way they will be part of my community i think. They are the whole reason behind wanting to set up a new tank and community. They are different and have more character than fish.

OK, I won't dispute that ADF's are great, I love them... I had some in my community tank.... they died. It's up to you though. Yes they probably are more active in tropical conditions, cos that's what they're meant to be in, in cold water they would be very poorly! :X

A suggestion I would make to ensure they eat properly is to feed frozen food, you get blocks of bloodworm etc, what you need to do is dissolve the block in a jug, pour some into the tank then get a pipette, suck some up from the jug, get the pipette right infront of the frogs and away from the fish and squirt the food out there so they can definately get some. This may take a bit of practice as they will probably run away from you when you first put your hand near them in the tank, they'll get used to it though.

I hope it works out for you, good luck. But please have a back up plan (i.e. be prepared to set up a small tank just for the frogs) if it all goes wrong.

Anyone got any other ideas of good fish i could add to my tank which may include frogs, platys, sharks and whatever else?
Anyone got any other ideas of good fish i could add to my tank which may include frogs, platys, sharks and whatever else?
The dwarf frogs cannot be kept with sharks & LG silver sharks are babies - just a larger size at the wholesaler than the ones they sell as SM. They will grow to 14 inches or more in the right conditions.

Your shop has probably never seen adults but it may be they are just out for your money.

Here is a good starting point.
If you are working to a tight budget you might do better buying a tank second hand and ths way you might be able to afford two tanks which will make keeping frogs and fish much easier :)

Do beware of African clawed frogs - these grow large, produce a lot of waste & will eat fish. If you see an albino frog it is this species.

Budget is about £150 - £250 for the tank.

Fish Budget - As much as it takes :D

Iv got the frogs sorted, i know that the others get big and also eat small fish etc. Thats why im sticking with the 2" dwarfs.

Il stay clear of the sharks then - would wana have to let them loose in the local lake when they get too big now would i!

So the 100% certainty in my tank is 4 dwarf frogs. Any ideas as to what i can add with them that are colourful and fun would be good?

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