

New Member
Oct 11, 2006
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UK, Lancashire

Yeah i finally got my 1st tank at weekend. Its 180 litres - is that big enough?

Dimensions of - 101cm (length) x 41cm (depth) x 50cm (height)

So far iv got a few things i want to add into the tank, can people let me know if they will be ok together???

Dwarf Frogs, Platys, Neons, Tiger Barbs, Dwarf Bumble Bee Cats

Any other ides what i can add to those?
its never big enough!

whats the ph of your water?
i'm asking so people can help you a bit more as there's no point suggesting soft water fish if you have hard water - you'll only end up with dead fishes, unless you want to soften it but that can be expensive..
The PH hasnt been tested yet as the shop i bought the equipment from test it after 7 days.

The PH will however be at around 7 once its all sorted - so any ideas based on a PH of 7?
The frogs will die of stress from the Tiger Barbs chasing them about and nipping them, the Tiger Barbs will also start on the Neons, best of leaving the Tiger Barbs off the list.
If you have to have barbs try the pentazona barbs,they look like tiger barbs and if you keep 5 or 6 of them they will be peaceful. Mine are quite shy but they look awesome :drool:
I would say don't bother with the frogs too, within the month most of them will have managed to have got out of the tank and you will find them a little while later dried up behind the stand or down by the side, frogs like to have something they can sit on outside of the water and a deep aquarium wont give them much scope with that, I used to buy the little Albino ones and most of them went the same way.
I thought the dwarf frogs stay in water and don’t grow bigger. How can they get out of a tank with a lid on? Or are you just talking about the albino’s? (which grow a lot bigger)

I was informed that the frogs and barbs should be ok together, is this not true then?

As for Neons – what about if I got medium sized ones rather than small then?
Barbs will attack neons and frogs, the Albino frogs only grew, the Albino frog which is sold throughout the tropical aquarium shops is the same as the African Dwarf and its name is the African Clawed, doesn't grow much bigger than the Dwarf. Frogs become stressed from being chased about the tank and such tank mates like the Tiger Barb will do that, they will try and nip their feet and the frog will try to escape and 9 times out of 10 they Will find a way. They climb up the heater/filter wires, they stay in the water most of the time but they do like to be able to sit just above it too, I remember watching them in the past resting at the top sitting on one of the filters.

Their also very picky eaters and unless you can be feeding them bloodworm on a regular basis they will starve because they wont get any of the dry food before the Barbs, best off buying some snails.

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